Part 6

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''Elise, you're fired!'' Screamed the coach. I'm on the verge of tears, trying to look anywhere but into his eyes. ''But why?'' I asked in a whisper, if I asked louder, I would completely break down. ''I can't have people on my team bickering because of a girl. I warned you once, it didn't stop. So you're fired. Gather your things, your plane leaves tomorrow morning.'' He answered me, turning around and leaving me there, broken and confused. The tears slowly made their way out of my eyes, and I was a crying mess in no time.

''Elise, Elise!'' I heard someone, trying to shake me awake. I opened my eyes and saw a worried Andreas above me. ''Ba - I mean Elise, are you okay?'' He said, blushing a little. ''I am, what's going on?'' I asked him, no clue about what was happening. ''You were crying in your sleep. Is something wrong?'' He asked me, his face still centimeters from mine.

''I was probably dreaming, don't worry. Thanks for waking me up.'' I said, looking into his eyes that were full of worry. Thinking about the dream, I started worrying. What if I really cause something inside the team? I don't want that, I love this team and don't want to cause bad results.

Coming back to reality from my thoughts, I realized Andreas still hasn't moved from his position above me. If I didn't know better, I'd say his eyes were flickering from my eyes to my lips. I decided to give him a hug, because he still looked tense. ''I'm okay, go back to sleep.'' I said while hugging him. ''Okay.'' He simply said, rolling back to his side of bed. But before I could stand up to go back to my room, he grabbed my arm. ''You're staying here, I don't want you having any more nightmares.'' He said, sitting up. I sighed and decided to obey him. I laid back down on the bed, turning my back to him.

He pulled me closer to him and put one arm around me. ''Good night.'' He said and kissed my cheek. Good thing it was dark in the room, otherwise he would've seen me blushing.

I slowly fell back asleep, dreaming of much nicer things.

Waking up in Andreas' room for the second time, someone was knocking on the door. Andreas was still fast asleep so I decided to stand up from the bed and see who it is. I opened the door and saw Markus. ''Ooooooooh, look what we have here! Elise in Andreas' room in the morning! With no pants on!'' He said, winking at me. I widened my eyes when he said I have no pants on. I looked down at my bare legs and realized that my own clothes are gone and my shirt has been swapped with one of Andreas' t-shirts, it covering half of my thighs. ''It's not what it seems like. I fell asleep while watching a movie.'' I said, rolling my eyes at him.

''Yeah that completely explains why you're not fully clothed.'' He said, smirking. ''Okay whatever floats your boat, Eisenbichler. What do you want?'' I said, yawning. ''You're both late to breakfast and we're leaving in 5 hours for the airport. 2 weeks off, remember?'' Markus reminded me and I groaned. ''I really did forget. We'll be downstairs in a few minutes.'' I said, closing the door after myself. ''Wellinger, time to wake up.'' I said in a louder tone, trying to shake him awake.

After I woke him up and went back to my room to change my clothes, we met up in the hallway and entered the elevator. ''Get ready for the stares from the team.'' He warned me, sending a smile my way. ''Don't worry, I'm used to them.'' I said, assuring him it's completely fine. Soon we were in the dining area, as predicted with everyone staring at us. ''Told you I found them together in a room.'' Markus said proudly to everyone sitting behind the big table. I rolled my eyes and took a sit next to Stephan. ''So, lady, is Markus saying the truth?'' He asked me. I didn't know what was the answer he wanted so I only shrugged my shoulders. ''We'll talk about it later, I'm hungry.''

After breakfast was over, we all went back to our rooms to pack all of our stuff. It didn't take me a lot of time since I wasn't a messy person. I was done in no time and I put my suitcase and my bags next to the door. I decided to chill on my bed for the rest of the time until someone comes to get me to go. After a few minutes of watching the tv, I got a text. ''Come help a guy out :-('' It said, and it was from Andreas. I smiled and rolled off my bed. After locking the door to my room, I was on my way to his.

I entered the room without knocking and I found him sitting on his bed, only one of his bags packed. ''Andreas, how lazy can you possibly get?'' I laughed, him looking lost. ''But I'm really bad at this! I don't even know where half of my things I brought here are!'' ''Well that wouldn't have happened if you put everything in the same place you take it from.'' I said, walking up to him. Well, trying to walk up to him. I tripped over something and literally flew over to him. As I already thought I'm going to fall and hit my head against something, he held me up and our faces were centimeters away from eachother, again.

''Scheiße.'' Was all he said before leaning in and kissing me.

Believe It Or Not (Andreas Wellinger) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now