Part 11

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I ran out of the club, tears streaming down my cheeks. My vision was blurry, I just ran. Not even knowing where. At one point, I started shaking, I wasn't able to breathe. My legs couldn't carry me anymore, I just collapsed in the middle of the street. I knew exactly what was happening, I was having a panic attack. The worst thing here was that I didn't know how to calm myself down. When this happened at home, only my mum managed to calm me down.

Trying to focus on my breathing and not really successing, I heard muffled voices behind me, calling my name. I tried turning around to see who it is, but instead of that, all I saw was black colour around me.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, it was completely white. White walls, white bed sheets... shit. I realized I am in a hospital.

The room was empty, I didn't know what to do. Should I call for someone? Is there a button to let the doctor know I'm awake? Why am I even here? Questions started clouding my brain again, my breathing getting quick again. The monitor next to my bed started making a noise and soon a woman rushed into my room.

''Miss? Are you okay?'' She asked me and all I could do was give her a small nod, still not being able to breathe at a normal pace. ''Focus on your breathing. What's 1+1?'' The woman asked me. ''It's 2.'' I said, not knowing why she was asking me this. ''Okay, what's your mum's name?'' ''Klara.'' We continued and I realized that I was calming down. ''Do you have any pets?'' She asked when I was already breathing properly. ''Yes, a cat named Dotty.'' I said, answering her question.

''Thank you.'' I said quietly, because I didn't know what to say to her and how to thank me for helping me. ''No need to thank me, that's what I'm here for.'' She said, giving me a polite smile. ''I'm Christine, the one taking care of you until you leave.'' Christine continued, explaining herself. ''O-okay. Why am I even here?'' I asked, still confused about last night's events. I remembered kissing Domen, Andreas getting mad... all of it suddently came crashing down on me. I remembered his crazy words. How he will tell the press. I took a deep breath, trying not to cry in front of her. ''You blacked out because of a panic attack. Your friends, I think, brought you here.'' ''My friend? What did he look like?'' I asked, trying to put the pieces together. ''Uh I think he had brown hair, kind of curly and he was wearing a red shirt.'' She said, not helping me at all. I don't remember anyone wearing a red shirt yesterday.

Throughout the day, they ran some tests and let me go at around 6 p.m. They gave me tips on how to stop my panic attacks and told me to soon visit my personal doctor to talk about it. I put my own clothes back on and exited the hospital. I had no idea where to go. I didn't really want to go to our hotel room because I would have to face Andreas. And I honestly had no idea what to do.

Why was this happening? I love Andreas, I can't leave him? Right in front of the hotel, I started sobbing. I couldn't take it anymore. With tears in my eyes I quickly walked to the elevator, trying hard to hide my face. I was still in last night's clothes, make up probably all around my eyes.

The elevator quickly came to a stop. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of our room. He opened it and let me tell you, he looked awful. Maybe even worse than I did. He had dark circles under his eyes and they were red, he looked like he was crying. ''What do you want?'' He asked me, his words sounding harsh. ''I have no where else to go and all my stuff is here.'' I said, looking down. ''And where did you spend the night? With Domen, right? Go there, he can take care of you.'' He loudly said, trying to close the door right in my face. ''What are you talking about? I was in a hospital.''

''You were where?'' He now sounded worried and opened the door so it was wide open, stepping aside to let me in. I went in but still had no idea how to solve this. I couldn't tell him what Domen said. He'd kill him. ''What happened?'' He asked me when he sat down on the bed, with me next to him. ''I ran out of the club after what happened with you and um- him and I had a panic attack. I still don't know who took me to the hospital, though.'' He sighed and closed his eyes, probably looking for the right words to reply with. ''I'm sorry I didn't hear you out and that happened. But I know what I saw and I was hurt, well I still am. But you can explain if you want.'' He said and I nodded.

''Thank you. First of all, he kissed me and I pushed him away. I don't know what it looked like from your point of view. Second of all, I uh need to go home, it's family emergency.'' I said quickly, it was all I could make up. ''I'm sorry for overreacting.'' He sighed, taking my hand in his. ''And I'm sorry that you had a panic attack because of me.'' He said, not having a clue why it even happened. I cleared my throat and nodded. ''It's fine.'' I said and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was full of love and passion. He didn't know why I was leaving.

He didn't know that was leaving because I couldn't be with him anymore. I didn't need drama with press in my life. I wasn't a person that could deal with it. I broke the kiss and stood up with watery eyes. ''Thank you for believing me.'' I said, sending a small smile his way.

''I have to pack now and look for a flight.'' I told him, looking for my things which were scattered around the room. When I finished packing and took a shower, I took my laptop and found my flight. ''I have to leave in an hour.'' I said and he nodded and came to hug me from behind. ''What's happening in your family?'' He asked me and I quickly started thinking about what to say. ''I don't really know, my mum just said I had to come home asap. She wouldn't tell me through the phone.'' I sighed to make it believable. ''Oh, okay. I hope it isn't something really bad and that you come back soon.''

In that one short hour that remained, we cuddled on the bed and stole kisses from eachother. I was gone in two hours. And I wasn't planning on coming back, to him.

HIYA school's over, I did better than I expected myself to lmao. I hope you don't hate me for this chapterrrrr x

+who do you think brought Elise to the hospital? lemme know, you'll find out in the next chapter

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