Part 7

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His lips were moving in sync with mine. The kiss was slow, full of emotions. His lips were as soft as I expected them to be. Not that I was thinking about his lips sometimes...

After a while we needed to catch our breaths so we pulled apart. After he opened his eyes, he looked into mine and gave me one last peck on the lips and stood up. He blushed and turned away and so did I, probably. Both of us didn't find any words to say at the moment, so it was all quiet in the room. I was still thinking about the kiss, the butterflies that erupted in my stomach when his lips touched mine.

I never really thought about the fact that maybe he really does like me in a way that he wants more than just a friendship and I never really thought about the fact that I really DO like him more than just a friend. I always thought it's just a crush and nothing more, but I was wrong. When I snapped back to reality, I saw the clock hanging on the wall. ''Shit, Andi. We have to pack.'' I said, looking his way. He was still just standing there, looking out of the window and smirking. ''Sorry, babe, what did you say?'' He turned around, snapping back to reality himself. And he called me babe. Time to melt again.

''We, or better, you, have to pack, mister.'' I said, laughing at his suitcase that was basically empty. He looked at me with puppy eyes, stuck his lower lip out. ''Help me? And try not to trip this time.'' I laughed at him and slapped him across his chest. ''Don't tell me you hated the thing that happened after I tripped.'' I blurted out, widening my eyes after realizing what I just said. ''Ok, never mind.'' I said, blushing again. I was so embarrassed. He sighed after he saw me looking down and stepped in front of me. He pulled his hands from his pockets and lifter my chin up. ''Please stop doing that.'' He said, not saying exactly what, but I knew what he meant. The next second he gave me a peck on the lips, then went to get his suitcase from the other side of the room.

He put the radio on and I helped him pack. We both sang along to the songs and laughed as both of us couldn't hit high notes in songs. In a matter of minutes, his suitcase was perfectly packed and the room looked empty. ''Danke, schönes Mädchen.'' He said and gave me a smile. I laughed out loud. ''Oh my God, Andi, who even says that?'' I said in between my laughs. ''But why thank you, handsome.'' I said, blushing when saying handsome. I was in no way used to hearing these things and saying them. I felt something warm go through me when he hugged me from behind, resting his hands on my stomach. ''What even happened to us?'' He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine again.

''Just like you, I have no idea.'' I said quietly, turning my head to the left and kissing his cheek. ''We have to talk about it sooner or later.'' He said now, making me nod in agreement. ''I guess that will happen in two weeks.'' I said, realizing I won't see any of the boys for two weeks. ''You aren't getting rid of me for two weeks, babe. And now we have to go, I think.'' He said, making me a little confused. We live in two different parts of Germany. I'm from Dortmund, he's in Munich most of the time. Long distance between those two? Hell yes.

He took his things and went with me to my room so I could get mine and soon, we were on our way downstairs. Hand in hand, we entered the lobby and were greeted by everyone's stares again. Markus and Stephan smirked and approached us, I instanly knew we were about to get questioned and laughed at. ''So, the thing we all knew would happened just happened, huh?'' Markus said, smiling down at us with the I TOLD YOU SO look. I rolled my eyes and decided to answer. ''I don't know what you're talking about.'' I said, pretending nothing happened. Me and Andi haven't discussed it yet, so nothing should be known, yet. ''Yeah, stop bluffing, kid.'' Stephan said, winking at me and then leaving.

Our cars soon arrived and there were three people in each car. Obviously, me and Andi went together and Markus decided to go with us. ''Please no gross PDA in front of me, thank you very much.'' He said as soon as we sat down in the car. I laughed and gave him a look. ''You're all crazy.''

In about an hour we were already at the airport. We went through the procedure and we boarded the plane in two hours after getting there. I had a window seat again, and it made me insanely happy. Next to me was seated another woman from the team staff. Since I don't know her than much, I just put my earphones in my ears and listened to music. Thankfully, we had wi-fi on the plane. Lucky much?

The plane was soon in the air. I looked out of the window and observed all the clouds below us. When clouds disappeared at some parts, you could see city lights beneath us. It took my breath away every single time. And I fly a lot because of work. I decided to snap a photo and put it on my snapchat story. I captioned it ''immer wunderschön''. (translate: always gorgeous)

I locked my phone after that and tried to go to sleep for a while. I forgot to put my phone on do not disturb mode and it buzzed in my hands. The notification said it's a snapchat from Andi. I decided to check it. I slided the notification and it opened directly. He replied to my story and he wrote ''just like you''. I smiled and blushed, thankful that no one could see me now. I replied with '':-)'' and locked my phone again, this time putting it on the do not disturb mode, drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to someone kissing my forehead and then my cheek. I knew instantly whose lips are kissing me and I smiled. I opened my eyes and was greeted by his blue ones, looking directly in mine. ''Time to wake up, we'll land in 5 minutes.'' I nodded, and kissed his cheek. ''Thank you for waking me up.''

We got off the plane and before getting our luggage, we all went to the restrooms and did whatever we had to do in there. When I exited the ladies' restrooms, Andi was resting his back on the wall with one leg on it too, looking at something on his phone. ''Hey.'' I said when I approached him. ''Oh, you're here. Come on, let's go find the others. I was waiting for you.'' He smiled and took my hand in his. ''Oh, thank you. You didn't have to.'' I said, smiling up to him. We walked around the airport for a few minutes and then found the whole team sitting on chairs in the middle of the place. ''Okay, I think that's all of us. The cars are waiting outside. Just take the one going to your place. See you in two weeks, everyone!'' The coach said, and said goodbye to all of us.

I turned to Andi a little sad, as we won't see eachother for two weeks. I hugged him and burried my head in his chest, his hand going through my hair. ''Don't worry about not seeing this handsome, light-haired, blue eyed boy, because I've got something up my sleeve.'' He winked, not wanting to tell me anything else. I groaned. ''I hate surprises.'' I said, now holing both of his hands and standing in front of him. ''I know, and I want to change that.'' He said before giving me a kiss. The other boys were still around so we didn't want to do anything else so they wouldn't catch us.

''What do you think about spending a day with me in Munich before going home?'' He asked me out of nowhere. I thought about his question. Well, could it hurt? My family can wait a day more, and it's not like they miss me THAT much. They're working all the time, anyway. ''Yeah, sure. Do you have a spare bed or something at your place, or do I have to find a hotel room?'' I asked, making sure I had somewhere to sleep. ''You don't need to look for anything. We'll manage at my place.'' He smirked, letting me know I'll probably be sleeping with him. ''You're sneaky.'' I said, before rolling my eyes at him.

I went to find the driver that was supposed to drive me to Dortmund and apologized to him because he waited for me even though I don't need him now. He smiled it off and said it's fine and that he's going to pick me up tomorrow when I decide to go home, so he left me his number. I thought he's going to be grumpy, but I guess I was wrong.

Next, I went to find the other boys to say goodbye. We all hugged and wished eachother a good journey home and then went to the exit together. I went to Andi's car and they were all looking at us suspiciously and I laughed at their looks. ''I'm spening a day with him, chill.'' I told them, then waved at them one last time. Just as I wanted to close the door, I heard Markus yell something he really didn't have to. ''Use protection, my kids!''

I'm really sorry for not updating, but I was traveling a little :-)

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