Part 8

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''Ugh, he's a maniac.'' I laughed at Andreas' comment on Markus' words. ''The child inside him has his needs, Andreas. I'm already used to it.'' I said between the laughs. When the both of us found a comfortable position on eachother's shoulders and bodies in general, we took a nap.

The journey from Frankfurt to Munich was expectedly long, but with Andreas by my side not as boring as it could've been. And it was mostly my thoughts keeping me somewhat busy. There's a rule in our team; being in an intimate relationship with an athlete from your team is forbidden. Does he even know that?

I mean, the coach saw us holding hands already, but didn't say anything. Okay, holding hands probably isn't forbidden, but he could guess what was happening. If everyone else did, then he could've too. It started bugging me quite early into the journey, and I didn't know whether or not tell Andreas. Should as well start thinking about the scene that is bout to happen.

''Andi?'' I asked him with a quiet tone of voice. ''Yes?'' He asked, looking down at me, never stopping playing with my hair. ''I know we aren't official or anything, but you know there's a rule in the team about kissing and stuff...'' I started saying and he took a deep breath. I could imagine him clenching his jaw, closing his eyes and thinking about what to say to make me feel not so shitty. ''I think there's nothing I could say to make us both feel better about this situation right now, but let's just leave it for now, okay? I want to enjoy today and tomorrow with you, without us thinking about problems.'' He answered, trying to sound not worried, but I could hear it in his voice.

The car ride was comfortably quiet since we ended our conversation, only radio quietly playing and us smiling at each other here and then. When a song from a certain brit Harry started playing, he quickly looked at me because he knew what was coming. My not so great singing at the top of my voice. ''No, don't -'' ''Same lips red, same eyes blue.'' I started singing, the driver's ears probably already bleeding. ''I'm throwing you out of this car, Elise. And the driver is going to thank me.'' Andi jokingly said, laughing at my horrible singing. ''Oh shush, you love me.'' I said, not thinking about my words. When I realized what I had said and saw the Andi's face expression, I cursed over myself in my thoughts. ''Forget about what I said.'' I then said, embarrassed. But he didn't look as if my words surprised him too much, and he smirked down at me. I put my hands over my face to cover my redness and he was quick to take them away from my face. ''You look cute when you're blushing.'' Was all he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

''We're here, Mr. Wellinger.'' Said the driver, which got me up from my comfortable position on Andreas' legs. I looked outside and saw a fancy looking building which probably consisted of Andi's apartment. ''Oooh, Mr. Wellinger. Do we live in a fancy ass apartment?'' I teased him and he smiled. ''Shut up, I know you're gonna love it.''

He helped me with my luggage and we entered the building. Even the lobby was amazing, holy poo. The elevator took us up to his level and we entered his apartment. ''Kitchen door, bathroom door, living room door, bedroom door, balcony. Is the door to the second bedroom hidden?'' I teased him, already knowing the answer. There's no second bedroom. ''As if you want a second bedroom.'' He said, laughing. ''We haven't even been on a date yet, and you already want to go to that. Well, Wellinger. I must say I expected more from you.'' I said, trying to look serious. And I think I succeeded, since his whole face screamed fear. ''I - no, no, that's not what I was suggesting. I uh, I'll sleep on the couch.'' He quickly started rambling and I started laughing at him. ''Why do you always take me seriously?'' I must admit, he looked cute when he got nervous. Okay how did I go from saying I don't even like him a few days ago to this?

''I am mad at you now! I planned a date and you decide to make fun of me.'' He played, pouting and crossing his arms. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his body. ''Mind telling me anything about this plan of yours?'' I asked, listening to the beat of his heart. At the beginning it was beating fast, but it was slowly calming down, along with mine. ''No, you're mean.'' I rolled my eyes and gently slapped his chest. ''You know I hate surprises!'' I tried to get him to soften up, but without success.

''Just wear something cute. Or anything, because you're always cute.'' He said and I blushed at his choice of words.

Next, he gave me a tour of his apartment. Everything was really neat, which surprised me. I asked him about that and he explained that the building has maids, which clean his apartment too. I later put my luggage into his bedroom, which had another balcony. Of course, I stepped outside and it was beautiful. You could even see the Allianz arena! ''Andreas Wellinger, you're one lucky bastard.''

After we both took a shower, I got ready for something he had planned and him knocking on the bathroom door and whining about how much time I need to get ready, we sat in his car and he started driving around Munich. The road wasn't as busy as I expected it to be. And even if it was, I wouldn't mind because us two always found something to talk and laugh about. After like an hour of driving around, we came to a stop. He parked the car and we started walking, but not without him taking my hand in his. I also realized he has a backpack with him, but didn't question it.

I recognized the place in a few minutes. He took me to the Olympic park. It looked really pretty, since the sun was just setting down and there wasn't many people for some reason. We walked around the lake, none of us saying anything. Just enjoying the moment. We soon stopped walking and stepped on the grass, under a tree. ''Are we having a picnic date?'' I said, happy. He probably knew how much I loved having picnics and just sitting outside, in the nature. ''I have a great mind, don't I?'' He proudly said, after setting up everything. ''Oh, don't flatter yourself.'' I laughed, sitting down next to him.

Just as we started eating, his phone began ringing. We both groaned in annoyance. He looked at the name of the caller and turned the phone around for me to see. It said coach. ''Please tell me this isn't about what I think it is.'' He said, letting out a sigh. He answered the phone and after a few seconds of the coach talking, he looked at me with somewhat sad eyes and I knew it was about us. ''We know that. And we're not even together. Okay yes, yes, yet.'' I blushed at that, but it didn't last long. ''Can we talk about this when we get back?'' At this point he was rolling eyes and looked mad and annoyed. ''Okay, bye.'' He said and ended the call. ''What did he say?'' I asked in fear, not wanting to hear the truth at all. ''We break this all up or you get fired. But this isn't happening, we will sort this out, okay?''

I know you all probably hate me at this point for not updating but 1. school is killing me and literally don't have any time to do anything else besides studying 2. i don't really have a lot of ideas for this story since my brain is full of school's bull*hit. I hope this was ok, tho :/

Believe It Or Not (Andreas Wellinger) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now