Part 5

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I was left to my own thoughts after Markus had left back inside. Does Andreas really like me so much after all? I groaned and supported the weight of my head with the palms of my hands, looking down. Maybe I should start spending more time with Andreas, and then see what my feeling really are like. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be with Domen. I didn't feel anything special when I was with him, not even when he had kissed me. After it had gotten a little chilly outside, I decided to head back to my room. Greeting the person at the reception, I pressed the button of the elevator, waiting for it to come down.

Waiting for quite a while, I sighed and decided to take the stairs. Walking through the first set of the steps, I heard the elevator make a noise and I turned around. The person that came out of it was Andreas. I looked down, not sure of what I should do. ''Do you want to go with the elevator instead?'' I heard him ask, then seeing him put his hand on the sliding door of it so they wouldn't close. ''Um, I -, yeah, sure.'' I said, making a fool out of myself.

I walked to the elevator, looking at Andreas before entering it and pressing the button to my level. He sent a sad smile my way just as the door started closing. I sighed, putting both of my hands on my face.

I would have never guessed that he liked me if it wasn't for Markus telling me that a million times, and when I entered my room, I decided to call him. I dialed his number and it started ringing. ''Yo.'' Markus answered, making me laugh. ''Are you eating?'' I asked him, hoping he isn't that mad at me anymore. ''I'm eating popcorn, what do you need?''

''I was wondering if you could help me with the Andreas and Domen thing?'' I half asked half said. ''Finally. I'll be in your room in a minute.'' He said, I could imagine him rolling his eyes. Even though I get mad at him a million times, I'm really grateful that he's one of by best friends. I would probably do so many stupid things and ruin my own life if it wasn't for him. And as he promised, he knocked on my door a minute later, letting himself in.

''So what do you want to do with the situation?'' He asked me, sitting on my bed with the bowl of popcorn. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. ''That's why I called you here, you dumbass. I don't know what to do!'' I said, groaning and throwing myself on bed. He was just sitting there, eating his popcorn and looking at me. ''Hello, would you please stop eating and help a girl out?'' I said, annoyed with his silence. ''I'm going to throw the popcorn out the window if you don't say something, I'm serious.''

''And I'm Black.'' He said, making me sit up and take the bowl out of his hands. ''Not funny, Harry Potter. Now seriously, help me.''

''I think you should just go with the flow. Start hanging out with him. Like today. He's probably in his room right now, dying out of boredom. Just knock on his door and see what's he doing. That will make him happy, and it will probably make you a little less confused about your feelings.'' He said, standing up and taking his bowl of popcorn again. I nodded, making him see I agree. ''Thank you, Markus.'' I genuinely said, stood up and gave him a hug. ''You're saving my ass.'' I said, making him chuckle. ''Anything for Andreas Wellinger.'' He had said, before winking at me. I slapped him and made him leave my room.

Okay, so what now? Should I just change my clothes and go see him? Is that how it goes? What if he's busy? What if he thinks I'm weird for just coming into his room? As my mind was running wild with the thoughts, I saw my phone light up. ''Stop overthinking and go.'' Was the message I got. Markus knows me too well.

I decided to listen to Markus and just go. I took my phone, the key to my room and went towards Andreas' room. I knew it's late already so he was probably just watching the TV or playing games on his computer. I mean, that's typical Andreas in the evening. I smiled at the thought of him cursing under his breath to himself when he does bad in FIFA or any other game, telling himself that he's stupid.

I knocked on the door and let him know it's me. He opened the door in no time and looked at me like I'm a ghost. ''Elise, is something wrong?'' He asked me, probably because I never came to his room so late in the day. ''No, no. Don't worry. I just wanted to hang out with you. Can I?'' I asked, unsure of the answer. For a second I thought he's going to say no, but then he surprised me with his answer. ''Of couse, come in. I'm watching a movie, though. Nothing fun.'' He said, smiling at me. I followed him to his bed and sat down, trying to figure out what he's watching. ''It's Fast and Furious 7.'' He said, realizing I have no idea what we're watching.

''Oh, yeah, exactly. I think I saw a trailer.'' I said, smiling up to him. ''I showed it to you, that's correct.''

The movie was slowly coming to the part with the sad scenes. I hated sad scenes because I alway cry. Literally always. I tried looking away when I felt my eyes watering, but without thinking, I turned to Andreas' side and he saw me crying like someone just died. Oh, someone did, right.

''Elise, shit, why are you crying?'' He panicked, not having any clue that it's because of the movie. He was looking deep into my eyes, looking for an answer and I started laughing. ''Sorry, it's because of the movie.'' I said, sending a smile his way. ''Oh. Didn't know you're such a softie, Elise.'' He teased me, moving much closer to me.

He lifted his hand from the bed and wiped away the tears on my face. ''There, you look prettier when you're happy and without sad tears.'' Of couse I had to blush at these words so I hid my face behind my hands. I saw him smirk and I slowly put my hands down again.

''Another movie?'' I nodded to his proposal and he took the control remote from the little table next to the bed. ''You can choose if you want.'' He said, giving me the remote. I looked over all the options and decided on a comedy. I was really tired and wanted the thing to make me laugh so I wake up a little. We made small talks throughout the movie and somewhere in the middle of it, I started yawning even more. I guess watching movie the whole day is tiring.

We were lying really close to eachother, with him having his arm around me, playing with the ends of my hair so I just put my head on his torso and closed my eyes. ''Are you tired already?'' He asked me, bringing me even closer to him. ''Mhm.'' I murmured, not having the energy to form an actual answer. ''I'll wake you up when it ends.'' He said into my ear, sending shivers all over my body. I ignored them and closed my eyes again. ''Goodnight, babe.''

School didn't kill me, yall. I'm alive and well.
Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't go through it after finishing

Believe It Or Not (Andreas Wellinger) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now