Part 2

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The rest of my day was pretty boring. After Markus left, I started doing some school work. I still need to finish my physiology studies.

As I was just finishing writing my assignment, I saw my phone light up. I picked it up and saw I have several messages. One from Markus, a few from Andreas, one from Stephan and a message from a number I don't have saved.

First I went to read the messages from the guys. Markus said how "Andi doesn't want to say anything about me and that means he likes me". I rolled my eyes and left him on seen. Andreas then sent me messages how he told Markus and Stephan to calm down. Then I opened Stephan's message.

"I overheard Domen talking with someone on his phone. It was interesting. Message for more info, xoxo."

I got confused as to why would his conversation with someone be interesting? But I was curious at the same time because I might find him a little cute, so I decided to go find Stephan. I closed my laptop, put on my pants and went to Stephan's room. When I got there, I knocked a few times and there was no answer. I sighed and called him. After a few rings, he answered. "Yes?" I heard his voice on the other side. "Um where are you? I'm in front of your room." I said, biting my lip. "Oh, I'll be there in a second, wait." Stephan said and ended the call.

As he said, he came in a few seconds. I saw that the room he came from is Wellinger's. They are probably still attacking him with questions about me, poor guy.

"I guess you saw my message?" He half said half asked and winked. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go inside." I said and opened the door to his room.

"Are you into him, Elise?" He asked me when we stepped inside and closed the door. "What? No! Of course not. I was just curious what he said that you find so interesting and important to tell me." He was looking at me with that weird look of his and half smiled. "Let's pretend I believe you. He was talking about you, so that's why you need to know about this." Stephan said, sitting down on his bed.

"About me? What, why?" And who was he even talking to? Why would they talk about me? We don't even know each other.

"I don't know who he talked to. But he said how you two bumped, literally bumped, into each other again. And that you're really pretty. And have amazing eyes. And then he got quiet and when he started talking again, he said how he thinks you and Andreas have something going on and that's why he doesn't want to do anything stupid."

After he finished his speech I didn't really know how to feel. "I don't know if I should be happy that he finds me pretty or something or weirded out because he thinks me and Andi have something going on?" I said, looking at Stephan for help. "The most important thing is if you like Domen." He answered and put his arm around me in a side hug.

"But I don't know him, how could I like him?" I said, rolling my eyes. Was this a white lie? Yes. "Okay let's put it like this. Do you find him hot, cute, handsome and stuff like that?" He asked me and it got me thinking. Cute? Definitely. Hot and handsome? Maybe...

"I'm not going to discuss this with you." I said, laughing at him. "Why not? Are you afraid of me telling Andreas?" He winked, pinching my cheek. "No!" "Okay, okay. But what are you going to do now?" He asked me and that exact question was going through my mind at the moment.

"I don't know. I just don't want him to think me and Andreas are a thing." I sighed, playing with my own hands. "See? You do like him." Stephan said right after I finished my sentence. "I don't know, okay? And Markus said he doesn't like him very much. I don't know why, but I don't want to see anyone fighting."

"He doesn't like him because he is Andreas' good friend and he knows Andi likes you. I am his friend too but I want you to be with the one you like, so..."

Then I remembered seeing a message from an unknown number and decided to read the message.

"What are you doing?" Stephan asked me when I didn't say anything anymore. "I have a message from an unknown number and I forgot to read it." I said, unlocking my phone.
I tapped on the message.

"Wanna go for a drink with me? Domen."

"Oh." Me and Stephan both said at the same time.

Believe It Or Not (Andreas Wellinger) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now