The Better Trohman. (Joe Trohman x Reader)

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Note: Look who finally wrote a Joe imagine.

Note: Look who finally wrote a Joe imagine

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"Joe, I'm beginning to think that this is a terrible idea," you said while toying with your fingers nervously, fear written plainly across your features.

"What's gotten into you?" your boyfriend asked, collecting your hands in his to stop their uneasy motions. "You've been looking forward to this for weeks."

"I know..." you sighed.

"Are you having second thoughts about it? Like, are you not ready?"

"No, I'm ready," you confirmed. "But..." You looked down at your feet, and you didn't even have to finish your sentence for Joe to know what you wanted to get across.

"It'll be fine, sweetie. I swear." He bent down to capture your lips with his, reassuring you. "Okay?"

You chewed on your bottom lip and nodded.

"Okay," he smiled.

The doorbell rang a few moments later and Joe got up to answer the door, leaving you with your anxiety that flared up the second the bell sounded, your hands fiddling with each other again.

You heard the two voices chattering excitedly to one another as they neared the kitchen, where you were sitting. You straightened your posture and cleared your throat as they entered the room, smiling when they walked towards you.

"(Y/N), I'd like you to meet a very special young lady," Joe began, his hands resting atop the small person's shoulders. "This is Ruby. Ruby, I'd like you to meet a very special older – but still young – lady," you and Ruby giggled at his commentary, "(Y/N)."

"Hi, Ruby," you slouched slightly so that you were eye level with the little girl and waved with a smile. "It's lovely to meet you; your dad talks about you non-stop."

"Hi, (Y/N)," she returned your wave, accompanied by a toothy grin of her own. "Dad talks about you a lot too. He said you were really pretty, but he lied, cause you're not."

Your mouth hung agape and you stammered while staring in disbelief at what she'd just said, Joe mirroring your reaction.

Ruby let out the most adorable giggle ever and spoke again. "You're really, REALLY pretty!"

You and Joe let out relieved laughs as he shook his head and you grinned at Ruby, who was still giggling.

"Well, you're definitely your dad's child, that's for sure."


As Joe placed the glasses of juice and plate of cookies on a tray, he couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face at the sound of his daughter's gleeful laughter and excited shrieks that were being emitted from her room upstairs, where you were playing with her.

Walking up the staircase, he could've sworn that he heard you singing, something you rarely did. And of course, what other song would it be than Let It Go?

Upon his entry into the room, the grin on his face spread even wider; you weren't just singing along to the song, you were full on acting it out. You wore Ruby's Elsa wig and crown, and had covered yourself with a blue blanket that compensated for the lack of a beautiful gown while singing and dancing around the room, dramatically flailing your arms about like Elsa did in the movie. Ruby seemed like she was having the time of her life, clapping encouragingly and singing along.

"Let the storm rage OOOOOOOONNNNNNNN," you sang, raising your arms to the sky before dropping them down and flipping the blanket over your shoulder dramatically. "The cold never bothered me, anyway."

"YAY! AGAIN! AGAIN!" Ruby jumped up and down on her bed, applauding loudly as you took a bow.

"Woah, baby," Joe chuckled, setting the snacks down on the plastic play table in the centre of the room and lifting his daughter off of the bed, gently setting her down. "Let's take a little break first, okay? I'm sure (Y/N) needs to catch her breath."

You nodded from your seat at the tiny table as you took a gulp of the juice.

"Okay," Ruby sighed, reluctantly trudging her way to the table. "But we're doing Do You Wanna Build A Snowman next."

"Whatever you say, Queen Ruby."


"(Y/N)!" Ruby's high-pitched voice exclaimed excitedly as she ran up to you and jumped into your open arms, her father closing the door to your apartment behind him and joining the two of you.

"Ah, I missed you!" you laughed as you hugged her tightly before setting her down on the wooden floor.

"She missed you more," Joe chimed, placing a quick kiss on your lips in greeting. "She won't stop talking about you. Looks like I have competition."

"Please," you rolled your eyes and scoffed. "It's not a competition. She already won."



"Babe, don't you wanna check on Ruby? She's taking really long in the bathroom, and I'm almost finished dishing up dessert."

"Yeah, sweetie."

Joe made his way to the bathroom and knocked on the door, calling out to Ruby. When she didn't answer, he entered the room, but she wasn't there.

"Weird," he mumbled to himself as he checked the guestroom before walking towards your room, gasping at what he saw.

"Ruby? What are you doing?" he asked frantically, rushing to her side to try and clean up the mess she had made with your make-up.

"Is everything okay-oh," you spoke as you walked up to the father and daughter.

"I'm sorry," Ruby said, lip trembling. "I just wanted to look like a real princess. Like (Y/N)."

Her words melted your heart and you knelt down beside her. "Oh, honey," you sighed. "You don't need make-up to look like a princess. You're beautiful just the way you are. That's something my mom taught me a long time ago, and it's also why I hardly ever use this," you gestured to the make-up, half of which were unopened products.

"I'm sorry I made a mess, (Y/N)," she said sadly.

"Oh, don't worry about it. When I was your age, I made messes a lot worse than this with my mom's make-up," you laughed.

"Really?" her eyes brightened.

"You bet."

She smiled at you and gave you a hug, which you gladly accepted.

"Hey," you said. "How about, after dessert, I give you a little makeover? I can make you look like Queen Elsa. That sound good?"

Ruby nodded eagerly and jumped up and down in excitement, making you chuckle.

"Okay then, let's go!"

She hopped off the chair belonging to your vanity and ran to the kitchen. You got up and started to leave too, but Joe grabbed your hand to stop you, pulling you against him and kissing you deeply. "I love you."

That was the first time he'd ever said it, and you suddenly felt weak, tears forming in your eyes.

"I love you too," you beamed, kissing him again. "But... she's still the better Trohman."


Thank you for reading x

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