*Halloween* Your Costume's Not Very Good. (Vampire!Pete Wentz x Reader)

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Request: PeteWentzsDick : 'Ohohoh!! i don't celebrate Halloween cuz I'm jewish and shit but if you want to do a vampire pete maybe? Idk...'

Prompt 20: Supernatural


"You're a vampire; how can you possibly get light-headed at the sight of blood?"

"Oh, so humans can have eating disorders and vampires can't?" your boyfriend scoffed, an offended look plastered on his pale face. "I'm squeamish, alright?"

"Pfft," you replied, earning a glare from Pete. You grabbed a couple of bags of the freshly extracted blood and made your way over to the cooler on the other side of the room. "Could you bring the rest of those?" you called over your shoulder as you walked.

There was a light breeze, and when you turned to face the front, Pete was already standing by the cooler, holding up the blood bags with a smile on his face. "Sure, babe."

"You know I hate it when you do that," you huffed, "Especially here."

"Sorry," he shrugged, still smiling.

"Whatever. Hand them over," you instructed, opening the cooler and depositing the bags you had in your hands.

Pete outstretched the bags to you, and you placed your hand on your hip, raising an eyebrow at him while your eyes travelled from his hands to his face. "All of them."

He sighed in defeat and rolled his eyes before sticking a hand into the inside pocket of his leather jacket and removing the two bags he'd stashed.

"You see," you shook your head disapprovingly and pointed a finger at him while snatching the two bags, "this is why I hate it when you come with me to work."

"I'm only here to make sure you leave early like you promised. Halloween is the one night of the year where I can go out in public in all my vampire glory and not worry about being found out."

"Don't worry, I just need to finish up here and then we can go," you gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking over to the computer and logging the necessary data in. "What exactly are your plans for tonight, again?"


"Mm," you pursed your lips. "Anything that's not part of your usual routine?"

"I love how I can joke about stuff like that and you're totally chill about it," he chuckled and within a split second, he was behind you, nuzzling into your neck. "All of my previous human girlfriends always freaked out over that one."

"Yeah, well," you turned around and clasped your hands around the back of his neck. "I don't think I have to be too concerned about you murdering someone. Especially considering you can't even look at too much blood without turning transparent."

"Shut up." You laughed and he shook his head, planting a kiss on your forehead. "Can we go trick-or- treating?" he asked excitedly, eyes glimmering.

"Uh, I don't think the neighbourhood parents will be willing to give candy to a grown-ass man," you sniggered.

"I don't know," he cocked his head to the side and smirked, "I can be very persuasive."


"Thanks!" Pete cheered happily as he shot a dazzling smile at the young couple standing at the front door of a brick house, looking slightly dazed.

You shook your head in incredulity as your boyfriend sauntered down the pathway, munching on a Twix bar while he held his overflowing jack-o-lantern bowl against his chest. "Have you no shame?"

"Not when it comes to candy, no," he said simply, through a mouthful of chocolate.

"Excuse me," Pete felt a tug on the hem of his leather jacket, and the both of you turned around to be met by group of three kids, all dressed as various monsters, clutching barely-filled candy bowls.

"Oh, hey, little guy," Pete smiled at the little boy.

"That lady said that you took all the candy," the boy said, pointing at the couple Pete had just compelled into giving him the treats.

"Oh, uh," Pete's face fell and he stammered as he looked from his full bowl of candy, to the group of forlorn kids, to you, who stood behind him with your arms folded over your chest, a condescending smile playing on your lips. "Well, I could share some with you guys?"

"Would you really?" the little kids' eyes lit up, bringing a grin to Pete's face.

"Yeah, of course. Here," he knelt down so that he was eye level with the children, "help yourself."

The group let out a gleeful cheer and immediately dug into Pete's bowl, grabbing whatever they could get their tiny hands on. When they all had a fair amount, there was still an impressive amount of candy left, which just goes to show exactly how many houses Pete had essentially robbed of Halloween candy.

"Thanks, mister!" the boy gave him a huge smile, which he returned.

"No problem, buddy," he chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Hey," the boy tilted his head and shoved a few pieces of candy corn into his mouth. "What are you supposed to be?"

"Me? Oh, I'm a vampire."

The boy gave him a disbelieving look. "Your costume's not very good." You let out a giggle, stifling it when Pete shot you a glare.

"Oh, yeah?" Pete raised an eyebrow before closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them again, they were glowing bright red.

You and the kids let out a collective gasp. You, because your boyfriend had fundamentally just outed himself to a group of children, and them, because they were hectically in awe.

"No way!" one of the other boys shouted in amazement.

"That's not all," Pete held up a finger. He opened his mouth slightly, and slowly, his fangs extended out of their hiding place in his upper gums.

The kids lost their minds at this, jumping up and down and yelling excitedly. Pete simply laughed at them, while you gawked on in horror.

"What are you doing?" you leaned down and whisper-shouted in Pete's ear.

"Relax, doll," he reassured you, pecking your lips. "They're just kids. No one will believe them if they said anything."

"Yeah, but still," you argued. "Do you really think it's a good idea to expose yourself like th-"

"And check this out!" Pete said, jumping up and using his super speed to run around the entire neighbourhood, returning a mere three seconds later. The kids, if it was even possible, got even more excited. "Who wants a ride?"

All three of them started yelling a chorus of 'Me! Me! Me!', each of them attempting to climb onto Pete's back first.

"Pete, are you insane?" you questioned hysterically, waving your arms about.

"(Y/N), chill out. You can have a ride too, if you want."

"I have no desire to climb onto your back."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about my back." Pete shot you a devilish wink and your mouth fell open in shock.

You stood there spluttering like an idiot, while Pete averted his attention back to the kids, who were all three hanging from his body.

"Quick! Let's go before the mean lady tries to ruin our Halloween fun!"

"Hey!" you gasped in offence, but you were only talking to a gust of wind.


Thank you for reading x

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