*Halloween* I Hate You, I Love You. (Part 2) (Ryan Ross x Reader)

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Request: @sxbrxnx818: 'Matching costumes with ryan Ross'

Prompt 7: Costumes


It was three months after you'd played the final show of the Pretty. Odd. tour. After the whole 'breakdown-on-stage-and-scream-at-Ryan-Ross that you hate him' thing, the remaining months of touring were hell, to say the least. You and Ryan both made conscious efforts to try and avoid one another as much as possible, but obviously, it was no easy feat. Despite playing shows with Panic! every night, there were photo shoots, press conferences and interviews that you were under obligation to do – some of which you were forced to interact with Ryan during – all while trying your best to avoid any more rumours erupting in your fanbase (they were still trying to come up with a conclusion as to why you cried on stage). So, yeah, life was hard during those few months.

The morning after the final show, you were so eager to get home that you were up at the crack of dawn, despite being enormously tired, and you were the first one on the tour bus that morning, as well as the first one to board the plane that would bring you your salvation, i.e. take you far away from Ryan Ross.

With the exception of a few 'hey how are you' texts and some random tweets at each other, you hadn't spoken to any of the members of Panic! over the past three months, so when you received an out of the blue phone call from Brendon while you were getting a morning pick-me-up from Starbucks, you were understandably a little apprehensive about answering.


"Hey, (Y/N/N)!" Brendon's energy radiated through the phone, and you couldn't stop the smile from forming on your face; you had to admit that you'd missed the over-hyped man-child. "How are you?"

"Uh," you reached forward and took your order, mouthing a thank you to the barista, "I'm good, all things considering," you turned and headed to nearby empty table, "How're you?"

"I'm great. Although, I would be even better if you came to the Halloween costume party I'm throwing."

Ah, so that's why he called.

"Is Ryan gonna be there?"

"No." You narrowed your eyes, and even though he couldn't see you, Brendon knew exactly what you were doing, prompting him to continue. "He really isn't! He's taking a trip to see his grandma or whatever."

You tapped a finger on your coffee cup as you contemplated whether or not to agree. You hadn't been out in a while; a party sounded lovely. And you truly did miss the members of Panic! – bar Ryan, of course. And since he wouldn't be attending, you decided you would.


"Yeah! Oh, and bring the rest of the guys too!"

You took a sip from your coffee. "I'll extend the invite to the group chat."

"Can't wait to see you!"

"You too, Bren," you smiled, before hanging up and walking out of the Starbucks.

Now to find a costume.


"So are you in?"

"Yeah, of course," Ryan nodded as he and Brendon exited the studio, "It's on Halloween night, right?" Brendon nodded. "Then yeah, I'll definitely be there. Wait," he frowned when a thought struck him. "Did you invite (Y/N)?"

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