Chapter 7

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Norah's P.O.V.

I was sleeping when I heard Austin get up from the bed.   

I looked at the clock beside me and saw that it was only 3 AM.

He had a nightmare.

He's been getting nightmares since the funeral, thinking about Rylan and the way we saw him at the hospital.

I knew he was going in Rylan's room. That's what he usually does when he got these nightmares.

I would try to get him come back to bed but he wouldn't listen. So I let him stay in there. I knew this was the only way for him to cope.

Natalie's P.O.V.

I was at Walmart getting some stuff for Norah and for the house. I looked awful, I had bags under my eyes, I was in my pajamas, and my hair was a tangled mess. I really didn't care though, it's not like anyone here will see me again.

I pushed the cart towards the aisle that had all the cookies and crackers and other junk foods.

I was craving Oreos so badly, but not just any kind, the special edition birthday cake crème Oreos.

My eyes scanned the varieties of Oreos until I found the one I wanted. And it was the last one.

I went to grab it, when someone else grabbed it before me.

I looked up angrily at whoever stole my Oreos.

"Oh! did you want these?" the person said with a smirk.

"What the hell? Niall! give me those Oreos, I saw them first" I said harshly.

He just laughed, "How about I buy them? and we can go to the Subway attached to here and have a little catch up? And I'll even share the Oreos with you."

"Fine!" I said a little happy that I could get some Oreos.

We both went to the checkout and paid for our groceries.

Niall was already sitting down when I walked to the Subway.

"You want a sandwich?" he asked

I nodded my head, "The usual, please"

"Ok, I'll get it" he left and placed the order.

He came back and we both devoured our sub sandwiches and the Oreos.

"How is Rebecca?" I asked.

Rebecca was his new girlfriend. She was actually really nice.

Me and Niall may not be together anymore, but we are still good friends.

"She's good, just at her parents place for the weekend"

I nodded.

He stared at me for a while, "Nat, I don't mean to be rude, but you look like shit"

I glared at him, "Well gee! thanks!" I said sarcastically.

He just chuckled, "I'm worried about you, you know that."

I looked down, "Yeah, I know"

"You know, if we were still together, it would be our 5 year anniversary! Can you believe that?"

I smiled a little, "5 years? Wow. How did I put up with you?"

We broke up last year, just a little after our 4 year anniversary.

I felt guilty when we broke up, partly because I pushed him over his limit.


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