The day I met Trey....

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WOW where do I start. It's been 17 years but it still feels like if it were yesterday to me. I remember everything perfectly, how it happened, when it happened, why and how it turned out ncredible yet ended so fast. I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about right ? Well let me explain everything to you; I now have 2 kids and am happily married but even though it was ages ago. You'll never really forget your first love and the way it will leave you afterwards... and that's exactly how Trey happened.

I was only 16 at the time; I wasn't doing well in school but I was trying my best to change that. And what was happening at home didn't really make it any better. No one ever new anything about me in school; to everyone else I was pretty much an insider. I think thats how I met him in the first place. It was in Science. The lesson I hated the most. Honestly when will I ever find protons and neutrons ever useful in life. I wanted to be an Accturay or an Accutech. Or anything I can earn alot of money with, well anything as long as I don't have to act like a slut in order to make the cut.

I was fed up with looking at the stupid book so I sat up and then came in a teenaged boy. I had to admit this boy was seriously beautiful, but he looked like he was only in school because he had no other choice. With his messy jet black hair, baggy eyes which made him look he han't slept in days he seemed so intrigueing. Like a beautiful mystery. For a second his eyes met mine, I felt like we shared a moment. But he shaked it off and walked towards the teacher and handed him a note. 

There was no other seat available in the class so he had no choice but to sit at the empty seat next to mine. Without a question he got out his books and started writing down what was on the board. I noticed he had very bad hand writing, as he scribbled down the lesson objectives. I tried to pay attention to what the proffeser was saying but I couldn't stop staring at his hands. I think he noticed because I felt a sudden nudge on my arm.

"Hey you okay?" The boy whispered. I was first taken by suprise, he had the most hottest voice, very husky and sexy at the same time. I nodded and replied "I'm fine". Just as I was about to turn back to my book he took out his hand towards me and said "I'm Trey by the way. What's your name?" he said. "Oh I'm Ariana" I said and smiled at him whilst shaking his hand. He smiled back and that's when I knew, this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship ...

Okay so heres a new story I wanted to start because I got the idea over a dream and well my best friend. I'll try and post the new chapter soon because I am officially done with all coursework and need to just study for exams thankfully. So I will be updating my other storys too just if you were wondering. I'll end up updating daily for all you guys maybe so keep voting for my chapters and I'll post more frequently. Thanks for reading xx

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