Chapter 7

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I looked up to see a really old pissed looking man. I looked at Trey and he quickly pulled up his trousers and yelled "OH SHIT ARI RUN" He said grabbing my hand and making me run towards his car. I heard the old man yell after us "YOU FUCKING HOODRAT WATCH WHEN YOU GET HOME I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS". Trey quickly yelled "YEAH HAVE FUN DOING THAT" and quickly got us into the car and drove off without hesitattion.


It took me a few moments or so but I couldn't help but laugh and soon after so did Trey. "So I'm guessing that was your neighbour" I said inbetween laughs. "Haha you guess right" he said focusing on the road. "WOW that was crazy, I swear Trey you're mad" I said still laughing. He seemed pleased with himself "Well of course baby and you love it" I couldn't disagree with that, I really did love it and him.


We finally reached my house it was 10pm, I wondered if mum got back from work yet. As I walked inside I saw a note tapped to the coat hanger. 


SORRY HUNNY! I had a last minute buisness trip and have to be gone for about 6 weeks so take care of the house. If you need any money I left you $400 on your bed and if you need anything else call me on my sell but not during the day that's when I'll probably be meetings. Love you lots and take care of yourself 

- Love Mum


I sighed and scrunched up the note chucking it onto the floor. This was so typical her, always couldn't get away from me far enough. I swear she's away so much I can barely remember what she looks like. "Hey Ari, what's wrong" Trey yelled after me. I plopped myself onto the couch and turned on the tv. I was really fed up with her, this really sucked. "Mum decided to bail on me.. once again" I said flicking through channels. He sat down beside me "Aw well thats a bummer" he said trying to comfort me. I wasn't really in the mood. "Hey cheer up tomorrow we get to dye your hair so be phsyched about that baby girl" he said wrapping an arm around me and nudging my cheeks forcing me to smile. "Yeah your right" I admitted.


"It's getting kinda late maybe I should go" Trey said getting ready to leave. I quickly grabbed his arm in order for him to stop. "WAIT NO! I mean I your neighbours gonna kill you if you go back. And um I kinda don't wanna be alone" I slowly let out. "Aw you really don't want me to leave ?" he asked all cute. I shaked my head and pouted. "Ah well I'll stay aslong as you want me too, how can I resist that face" he said sounding like a baby. I stuck my tongue up and decided to go upstairs and he followed just like a little puppy. 


I lead him to a room he could sleep. "Trey you can stay here and if you need anything I'll be right down the hall okay" he nodded and just as I was about to leave. "Wait I don't have any clothes to wear" Oh shit he was right. I thought for a second and remembered all the clothes in my wardropes, I had plenty of boy clothes in there for him wear. I had a lot of jerseys, hoodies, sweat pants and shorts. What can I say? I like guys clothes, sometimes there even cooler than girls. 


I fetched him a black over sized tshirt and some grey sweat pants and handed them to him. "Well you can wear these for tonight okay and feel free to take a shower dude" I said faking a whiff. He playfully shoved me and I left to my room. I was really exhausted after our hectic day. We'd so far completed 3 tasks on our to do lists combined and had another 9 more to finish together this summer.


I picked up a one shoulder pyjama top and some shorts and checked the time. It was past midnight and I felt so tiered. I took off my top and denim shorts and slipped on my PJs. Just as I was about to put my top on I heard the door open.


"Sorry Ari I just wanted to ask if.. Woah".........

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