Chapter 9

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I woke up at 8am I felt so calm and relaxed. I smiled and looked to my right, I forgot Trey crashed here last night. And I had no idea he was just in boxers. I couldn't help but peak under the covers and check out his abs, they were perfectly chiziled and smooth. "Enjoying the view?" I heard something whisper. I looked up from the covers and saw Trey smirking at me, with his messy bed hair he still looked oh so perfect. I blushed so hard and got up and ran to the bathroom. I heard Trey yell behind me "Ah cmon Ari don't be like that". I locked the door so he wouldn't break in.

I looked at the mirror as he knocked on the door. Gosh I looked like crap, I need to fix up. After 20 minutes my hair was washed and my face was clean. I needed a towl though, but crap there was none here just in my room with Trey.. Damn I guess I have to go in there.

I opened the door and peered around. Funny, Trey was no were in sight. Maybe he left? Oh well, as my eyes landed on the towl I was about to grab it, when something jumped up behind me and screamed "ARI!!!!" I screamed and swear I almost had a heart attack. I turned around to the fuckery that was Trey. "Oh My Gosh your face" he burst out in laughter covering his mouth. "You fucking asshole, now I gotta restart my heart" I clutched my chest faking it hurt. He smiled "Aw poor baby get scared" he said stroking my arm. I wrinkled my nose and pushed him to the floor. "Hey what was that for" he wined hitting the ground. "For being a jerk" I shot back.

I grabbed the towl and wrapped in round my hair. I walked over to mirror and applied some moisturiser and a smidge of lipgloss. Not too much because I didn't wanna look tarty. I let my hair down pulling the towl out my hair and ran my fingers threw it. "Wow.." was all I heard. "What?" I rolled my eyes at Trey still facing the mirror. "You look good with your hair wett" he said quietly. I frowned at him and then threw my towl at him. "HEY! It's true" he said when he threw the towl off. I laughed because it hit him right on the mouth. I brushed my hair until there were no more nots. I looked around for my hair dryer. Where on Earth did I put it.

I looked around for about 3 minutes, then I realised mum must of taken it. "Ugh For Fuck Sake" I yelled. "What whats wrong?" Trey asked concerned. "Mum took my hair dryer" I yelled. "Ah well it doesn't matter, you look fine with your hair like that" I swear he was such a typical boy. My hair could start to frizz any second and there he is telling me to leave it like that. But where was I going to find a new hair dryer as of now? I might as well listen to him and leave it the way it is. I sighed and decided to walk downstairs and have breakfast. 

Me and Trey sat and had some bacon with toast. Once we were done Trey said "So do you want to get back to completing the things on our lists?" well why not we had nothing else to do right now. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out my list from my pockets. "Hmm die my hair blue, purple and red. You up for that today?" I asked. "Yeah most definetly" he agreed. "Great then we can go to the hair dressers at-" he interupted "Woah who said you're going to the hair dressers little lady" I looked at him confused, how else was I meant to die my hair. "Um Trey how else do you expect me to die my hair?" I asked. "We can by the dye from the store" he said. "Are you serious? No way am I putting some artifical shit in my hair from the stores" I said bitterly. "Cmon it's alot more fun then sitting in a saloon for hours waiting your hair to be finished" he said. Ah this boy was going to drive me mad this summer. "Ah alright fine we'll go to the store, but I swear if it fucks up my hair your paying for the damages" I threated. He held his hands up "Alright then lets go". 

We walked out the house to the nearest beauty shop. I looked down the isles to wear all the hair products could be and Trey did in the same in the other direction. I finally found the section where they kept the hair dyes. Wow there was like a hundred different colours to choose from: blonde, pink, neon green and so many more mad ones. I finally spotted the blue and red but couldn't quite find the red. I looked along not finding the others. Then finally someone next to me appeared "Found some purple" Trey said holding it in his hand like he found a million bucks. I laughed and pushed him towards the cashiers. "Wait I need to get some brushes and mouse oh and some tin foil for the dye. Stand in the que I'd be right back" I quickly handed all the dyes to Trey and walked back to the hair product section. Picking what I needed, everything except the tin foil I grabbed and went back to Trey. He was already at the cashier ready to pay.

"WOAH WOAH You're not paying I am, it's my hair" I said pulling the cash out my wallet. "No no, I insist" he said. "No Trey don't be such a spoil sport and let me dye the damn stuff" I said getting impatient. "No I'm paying" and before I could get another word he handed the money to the cashier, who looked at us like we'd just arrived off the crazy farm. I walked out a little pissed at him, holding the bags I decided I'd give him the silent treatment till we get back. And it worked pretty well.

As soon as we got home I laid the bags on table and Trey got all the stuff out as I searched the cupboard drawers for tin foil. Thank goodness we had them or that'd mean another trip back to the stores with Trey. I ripped off a whole sheet of foil and placed it on the table beside Trey. I sat down and opened the bottles and read the instructions to make sure what I was doing was right. It read leave in for 20 minutes and rinse. 

I put everything in it's place and was ready to dye my hair. I was so nervous for the result. I got a streak of my hair and grabbed a comb and placed it into the dye, even though the blue was meant to be dying my hair blue the colour of it was pink for some wierd reason. I heald my hair in place and ran the hair dye filled comb the through it. I wasn't sure if I'd done it well. But I wrapped it up with tin foil to set. "Here you're not doing it right, let me help you" He said snatching the comb off me and taking the tin foil out of my hair. He reapplied the blue streak through my hair and wrapped it up in a new piece of tin foil. Now it was time for the red so he did the exact same thing. I was worried if he was doing this thing wrong, but if he was I would shave his head completely bold if so. Then he applied the last colour purple. It was finally done. Now all I had to wait was for the dye to settle in. I'd have to wait about another 18 minutes for the colour to go in properly. I sighed "Thanx Trey" I said getting up carefully. "No problem, just wait a bit and we'll see the amazing colours" he said. "Yeah you better not of fucked my hair up or you're so dead" I shot at him. "Yeah yeah" he said so careless.

The minutes flew by and it was finally time to rinse out the dye and see what my hair looked like now. I quickly went to the bathroom and rinsed my hair properly making sure there was none left it. I wrapped it in a towl and walked downstairs to unveil the result to Trey. "Trey come and see if it turned out alright" I motioned him towards me. I took out the towl as Trey sat himself infront of me on the couch and he looked at me gob smacked, not finding the words to say. SHIT He'd fucked up my hair hadn't he. "What, what's wrong? It's fucked isn't it ah Trey" I said getting ready to slap him. "No Ari look it looks incredible" he said handing me a mirror. I looked properly, the streaks turned out pretty good. I looked like something out of my little pony, but I liked it, I looked so careful but it looked better than I'd thought it would be. I smiled and played with my hair. I turned to Trey and gave him the biggest hug possible. "Oh My Gosh Thank You Trey, it looks awsome" I screeched clutching him close.

He finally let me go ruffling my hair "It looks so pretty, let me take a picture for Facebook" he asked. I nodded and let him, he took a few some of me posing, some just making silly faces. Then I grabbed the phone off him and took some of both of us just acting goody or kissing eachothers cheeks. We looked adorable. When he posted we peobably got about 40+ likes. 

I was so pleased with the result of my hair. Now it was time for Trey's list. But just then I realised we'd have to go abroad to do the things he'd written, I mean Niagra falls, quad biking in deserts and sex on the beach? I'm sure we couldn't do that all out here in Ohio. Something tells me we're going to need a roadtrip expedition to complete all this, this summer...

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