Chapter 10

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I walked down stairs to find Trey putting away all the hair dye stuff. I sat down infront of him and thought carefully for a few moments. "Off to space again Ari?" I looked and Trey and saw all the little bottles put away neatly. "Oh I was just thinking about our lists.." I wondered off again. "Oh yeah what about them?" he asked. "Oh you know the things we wanna complete this summer" I said. "Yeah?" he said wanting me to finish my sentence. "Well I was just thinking; how are we even going to do those things exactly?" I asked. He looked sternly at me for a while, wondering how we were going to do that too. Until he snapped his fingers killing the thoughts. "I got it, I have $500 saved up we can use that" he said brimming with enthusiasm. I thought about this for a moment, no I couldn't possibly let him blow his savings on us. There was no way. 

"Um and wheres this $700 exactly coming from?" I asked curiously. "Oh.... yano I have alot of old relatives" I could tell by the tone in his voice he was lying. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded without hesitation a bit too quickly. "So you wanna blow it all on this trip" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ari, cmon it would be fun. You and I at Niagra falls, quad biking, skydiving in the nude, paint balloon fights and trashing a hotel room. What could be more fun?" as tempting as this all sounded I really refuse this offer, I mean he could use that money for a rainy day. "But.." I was interupted by a finger brought to my lips "No buts Ari, you're going with me, and if you feel that bad use the $400 your mum gave you. I mean tickets only cost $250 each and $100 for sky diving which leaves the rest for a hotel room and just have fun right?" this sounded reasonable. I mean I've had the most dryest summers, I couldn't let this oppurtunity pass me by. I nodded in agreement and next to no time Trey was already on the phone booking airline tickets for our epic adventure and planning out what we were going to do this summer together...

Today was the day; the day we were finally getting our asses off to complete our lists. We packed and headed off the air poirt. It was a 13 hour flight, but so worth the wait. We endured the sights we passed on our way there and got to our hotel room. We agreed first thing tomorrow we were off to Niagra falls. Until then I had to get ready for tonights dinner, it was crucial all guests had to dress up for the Lowow (sorry if I spelt that wrong). I wore the scarf with coin sequins around my waist, the wooden bracelets, sandles and a sequined headband I baught eariler. Applied a bit of makeup and made my way out the bathroom to find Trey.

I saw him ready lying on the bed out of boredom, I coughed to indicate my presence in the room. And with one look at me his jaw dropped, like someone had just tooken him by suprise. "Are you okay?" I asked after a few long moments of him staring. He coughed snapping back to reality "Yeah I'm fine, nothing it's just... wow Ari you look beautiful" he whispered looking me up and down. I blushed crimson hearing him that. And just to save my embarrasment I said quickly "Cmon lets go have dinner before its all gone fool" I said pulling him out door to the beautiful gold and black sky. I loved the atmosphere, it was very walm and well golden.

We sat down in our seats, as we ate we watched the entertainers of fire eaters and belly dancers. One of the belly dancers infact came up to Trey and wrapped her scarf around, rubbing her belly against his shoulder. He blushed and tried not to make eye contact with her, but I could tell by the look on his face he was burning up. And wierdly enough so was I, I felt the slightest bit jealous seeing her touch and dance on him like that. I mean what a whore honestly. I shaked it off as she blew him a kiss and skipped off. I rolled my eyes at how much of a tart she was to Trey. This pissed me off so much, I actually just wanted to leave. I finished all my head so I decided to get up and leave.

I ran off back to my room and plomped myself on my bed. I felt so fustrated and annoyed at what I just saw I just wanted to smash up this whole room. Actually that wasn't sucha bad idea, I mean it was just completing another thing off my list. I started off my grabbing the light and flinging across the room until it banged into the wall, just missing the door as it opened. There stood Trey in shock just dodging the lamp. "WOAH! Looks like someones decided to go through their list without me" he said sarcasticly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pillow, ripping off the exterior I started pulling out the feathers and shaking the entire pillow so all the feathers would go everywhere. Trey was still standing looking at me as if I were mad, but I honestly couldn't care less.

After I'd done that I headed to the bathroom and braught back a jug filled with water. I flung it across the room, I did it soo much I actually ended up splashing Trey by mistake. "Whoops" I said stopping what I was doing, realising how carried away I got. He grimaced then snatched the jug off me pouring the rest of the water remaining on my head. I screamed at how cold it was. He just laughed at me hysterically "That's what you get Ari" he said in such an annoying voice. 

I stomped my foot on the floor and picked up a cream bottle and started squirting the lotion all over Trey. He growled at my reaction and picked up a few pillows and started hitting me with it till all the feathers came trickling out, covering me in fluff. We laughed throwing stuff at eachother, little did we know about all the cream, water and feathers on the walls around us. We finally stopped realising all the damage we'd done. But then we just laughed it off and decided to go to bed, I was soaking wet still so I quickly decided to change, little did I know Trey was still watching me in the dark pretending to be asleep. 

I heard a few muffled sounds and decided to lie down just wearing a vest and shorts. Then I felt to large arms shuffle me to the right so they could creep into my bed. I tutted at him annoyed but just was too tiered to argue. I closed my eyes and let him snuggle up to me before sleeping. I really love being in his arms, made me feel so safe and protected for harm. I never wanted to let this feeling go but tomorrow I new we were in such big shit with the hotel for what we'd done to the room....

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