chapter 4

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"Ari, Ari, are you alright?" an angelic voice interupted my mind. I quickly regained my focus on him and said "Yeah I'm fine". He laughed calmly "You almost gave me a shock there, you always seem to be day dreaming eh?" he said turning back to the road. "Sorry it's an irratating habbit, even my mum says I keep blanking off into space" I smiled and so did he. "So where's your house?" he asked. "Oh maple avenue" I replied. "Oh really that's like a few streets away from my yard, maybe we can hang out sometime?" he asked casually. "Yeah I like the sound of that" I agreed as we pulled up infront of my house.

I got my stuff ready and opened the car door, he followed me to the doorstep like a little puppy. As I opened the door, I looked back at him to see him looking at me with pleading eyes. Almost asking me "Can I come in?" like a little puppy, it was too cute. "Why don't you come in?" then in a hurry he got in faster than I did. I laughed regaining my posture. He looked around admiring my house, it wasn't that much but it was still my house. "Not much but it's a place I like to call home" I said distracting him leaving my bag against the coat hanger. "It's great..." he said taking it all in.

"It's aight, I guess" I said taking a look around to find out what he found so fascinating. I gave up and decided to walk into the kitchen to get some water, he followed behind me. "Still hungry I see?" he said sneakily. I smirked at him "No just need some water" I said back pulling out a glass. "Want some?" I asked. He nodded so I poured water into both glasses and handed him one. We sipped our waters down till we were done silently. I sat down on the seat next to him and picked up a magazine out of boredom. "Ah you're one of those gossip magazine kinda girls? Cmon Ari I thought even you were much better than that" I was quite offended by what he just said but just had to say something back. "Dude it's my mums and hey theres nothing better to do is there?" I said back. 

"Well HELLO, I'm here to keep you company and entertained aren't I?" he said a bit too cockey. "Oh really? I thought you were just a ghost feeling his face" he laughed and pushed me off. His laugh was honestly the cutest thing I'd ever heard. I saw a pen and paper and decided to scribble some things down. "Watcya writing?" he asked curiously. "Oh just a to do list" I said back mysteriously. "What kinda to do list?" he asked. "Oh.. yano a 10 things before I die list" I said contiuing to scribble. He tried to peer across my shoulder, but I just elbowed him and put the piece of paper down my top so he wouldn't see. "If you really wanna read it, go take it. Go on I dare you" I said rising my eyebrows. He looked at me terrified, he obviously didn't want to violate a girl like that but by his facial expression I could see he wanted to read it so badly.

He finally gave up raising his hands "Fine yano what I think I'm going to write a to do list too" he said grabbing the pen and another scrap of paper. "Oh really haha, what's the first one; Try and get the paper outta Ariana's boobs" I said laughing. "Oh yeah that should be number one on here, when you go to sleep I just might have to check your bra then" he said slightly scaring me. After seeing the look on my face he cracked up. "Oh relax I'm just kidding" he said contiuing to write stuff down. 

When he finished he finally looked at me looking like he was ready to do something. "Tell you what I'll make a deal with you" he said. "Okay shoot" I replied. "I'll show you my to do list if you show me yours and you help me complete mine this summer?" This was quite a bet, I mean get it and help him do his to do list. This was going to beasy. But wait; what if it's something nasty like have sex or get a blowjob. No way was I going to help him with that. "Okay deal but as long as theres nothing nasty on that piece of paper" I asked sternly. He laughed stroking the back side of his head "No nothing nasty, more like adventerous and funny" well that sounded okay I guess depends what he meant by funny. "We have ourselves a deal Trey" I said shaking his hand. 

Then I pulled out my crumpled up piece of paper from my bra and he held his in his hand ready to trade. "On the count of three" I signalled. "1.2.3" we both tossed our papers in the air and grabbed eachothers. I unwrapped his and read the first thing on his list :

1- Eat a bug and not through up

Ew was he serious? I was no way helping him do that but would happily love to witness it happen. "Eat a bug seriously?" I asked holding back laughter. He laughed back reading out mine "Yours is no better Ari; I mean crash a hotel room. Rockstar much?" he said devishly. "Well at least mines not wierd" I snapped back. "Ari, no rockstar crashes a hotel room, that's just a saying about them" he said making me think. "Well it's not exactly normal to eat a bug is it Trey?" I asked. "Well that's just be babe, love it or leave it" he said trying to flaunt his muscles. I nudged him playfully when he joked around. "Okay lets see what's next on this list ah; Die your hair purple, blue and red. That sounds pretty cool but how are you going to fit all four colours on there" he said patting my head. I pushed his arm off me. "Obviously just highlights you idiot" I said giggling. "Hmm lets see yours; have a shower at Niagra falls. Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded and smirked at me "It's like a long time dream of mine" he said pleased with himself. But that didn't sound too bad, actually rather cool infact.

"Okay #3 Eat a four litre ice-cream tub without throwing up" he read aloud. "Aha I'd love to see that commence" he laughed reading that. I rolled my eyes "Okay lets see what we have hear; take a leak on my neighbours lawn" I smacked the list on the counter. "Dude what the hell seriously?" he laughed nodding hysterically. "Sorry ever since simpsons I've been dying to try that out". "I swear to God, you are so wierd" I said tutting. "Ah your no better miss have a paint balloon fight, actually that does sound rather cool" he said looking back at the list. I laughed knowing that would be epic. Now lets see oh you wanna go quad biking in a desert?" I asked. "Yeah I always watch those movies and wanted to try it myself" he said. "That sounds pretty good" I agreed. "So lets see whats next; learn how to skip stones through water. My gosh you can't do that" he said sarcasticly. "haha very funny but no I can't sadly, but I'd love to learn" I said hopefully. "Don't worry I'll teach you, it's really easy actually" he said looking at the list. "Now number five; go sky diving naked. Trey what the fuck honestly?" he turned into hysterics cracking up. "What it looks like fun" he said still laughing. "I'd love for you to join me aswell" he said winking. "Aha in your dreams mate. No way am I gonna go down naked with you" I snapped. "Ah cmon you'd love every second of my sexy but naked body, and I'm pretty sure I'd love yours" he said sounding again way too cockey. This time I just had to through the pen at him in annoyance. "Hey now that wasn't very nice was it Ari?". "Niether was your side comment bro?" "Ah cmon don't be such a spoiled sport".

"Now lets see what else you got down here Ari. Awww.... you wanna fall inlove ?" he asked. I blushed when he said that "Yeah I guess, I mean I haven't yet and would like to have an experience"  smiled shyly. "Aw well I'm sure we can make that happen on the way". I wonder what he meant by that. "Now lets see your last one.. Oh My God Trey you wanna have sex on the beach?" I said shocked. "Not sex aha, make love to someone I love" he said smiling. "Oh God Trey, sometimes I really worry about you" I let out. "Aw well don't worry too much, theres gonna be no point soon anymore". I wonder what he meant by saying that also, he was so mysterious which I completely loved about him. After taking a look back at that list, I remembered summer was only a few weeks away. And I really would look forward to helping Trey complete these tasks, they sounded like fun. All except the last, I wonder who that girl would be. Whoever she was she would be very lucky....

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