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"Draco!" I shouted. "Where are you? Draco!?!" I've been looking for him for the past hour.

"Surprise!" He jumped on my back and we fell to the ground. I blushed, I though he was adorable. I wish he felt the same. I have a teeny crush on him. I didn't even realize we were still so close to each other. "Sorry Alice" he looked down and smiled. "It's alright" I smiled back. "

"So you were looking for me?" Oh yeah.....that. "Ummm Draco did you get your Hogwarts invitation? Because I didn-" I got interrupted from my dad, Mr.Cross. "Alice it's time to go, say goodbye to Draco you may not see him for.....time." What? "Ok father" My mum walked in with Mrs.Malfoy. Mrs.Malfoy has always been so kind to me.

"By Dray!" I hugged him goodbye. "Goodbye Mr. And Mrs.Malfoy!" I waved. Mrs.Malfoy leaned down to me and squeezed me. Mr.Malfoy just nodded. "Goodbye, I suspect you'll inform Draco about what's happening?" My mother spoke to Narcissa, she nodded. What does she mean inform? "We'll stay in touch" then we apparated to Cross Manner. It seems hollow and empty. I mean it's never been full of life or colorful but everything is different.

My mother walked up to me. "Sweety I'm sorry but there's been an emergency and we must go to France. You'll be going to beauxbatons. Our job required us go move. That's why you haven't received your Hogwarts letter. I'm sorry but you must go." I was crushed. But...but what about Draco. My mother must have know about what I was thinking "Narcissa has informed Draco. You can still write to him and visit in summer? Now go get ready for bed we will be leavening tomorrow." Jee I can't wait. I headed upstairs, changed into my pajamas, and cried myself to bed.

The next morning I brushed my teeth and threw some clothes on. I walked downstairs grazing the stair railing with my fingers, savoring the feel of it, considering this will be the last steps I take in this manor. I'll miss this place, but mainly the memories me and Draco had together playing. Like the one time I got a pet snake without my mum knowing and it went into to her bed. I giggled at the thought. But then remembered, it's just a memory. I can't live with them anymore. It pains me to much that I'll probably never see Draco again.

When I got to the bottom of the steps my mum and dad were there waiting. I looked back up the stairs one more time. "We'll come on we don't have all day!" My dad snapped. "Sorry. I looked down and grabbed my mums hand. We apparated. I looked up. In front of us was a large gate. My dad waved his arm in front of it and it opened. A tear slipped down my face, I quickly wiped it away . I can't show emotion in front of father, he'll punish me. I have to make him proud or I won't be a Cross anymore. I'll be a nobody.

"Come" my father said. I looked up and saw a beautiful manor. It's looked like the Malfoys but had vines around places with roses blooming around it. On the huge doors it had a huge C with slithering black snakes around the handle. Gee how welcoming, I thought. When I took a step inside it reminded of our manor. I guess that's a big better. I mean it's not our home. My mind wandered back to Draco. I miss him already. He's probably getting his Hogwarts Supply's right now. I frowned at the thought. I wish I could be with him. I wander type wand he got! I wander what type wand I'll get?

Our house elf, Curk came to me. "Is there anything I can get Miss Cross?" It cowered, thinking I would beat him. "Could you please get me a cup of peppermint tea? Thank you." I didn't want to sound demanding. "Anything for Miss, Curk will go now". I walked into my room. Yep same. Dull. Curk came back with my tea. I sat on my bed sipping my tea and thinking about how great Hogwarts would be. Sigh. Nothing I can do now, I'm in France.

Durk appeared in my room. "Mrs.Cross told Durk to come get Alice. She wishes you to hurry and come downstairs to get school supplies." He went away. I changed into some dark skinnies, a blouse and flats. Well at least I get my wand today. When I got downstairs I grabbed my mothers hand and we left. We decided to go get my wand first. My wand was 11 1\2 Unicorn Hair, Oak Wood, Springy. I got my robes and everything else and then we went home. I start my first day at Beubaxbatons in a week.

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