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-Alice's Pov:

It's been two months. Two months since the first time I told Draco I loved him. Two months since I've gotten my Dark Mark. I was currently sitting in our library. I was snuggled up in a huge chair in the corner of our huge library. Secluded. I was actually reading a book about vampires. They are violent creatures. I shut the book and put it on the table beside me. I was currently wearing my pajamas. Which consisted of dark green silk shorts with silver ribbon around the hem and my black loose tank. I took my wand out and flicked it and my hair instantly made itself into a messy bun. I set my wand back onto the table next my book.

I looked at my left arm and flipped it over so I could see the fascinating tattoo that is now forever etched into my skin. I stared at for a couple of minutes tracing the the skull and snake. My father had taught me a spell to hide it at school if I wanted. I smiled. Hogwarts. I actually kind of missed it. It was like a fourth home. I laughed at that. Considering we have a manor back in France, our manor here, Malfoy Manor, and then there's Hogwarts.

After a bit I must've fell asleep in my chair because I woke up to a burning sensation on my arm. I sighed and touched it and it took me to the Malfoy manor. I walked down the dark hallways of the manor. I bumped into someone and got knocked down. "Watch where your going freak." I said to the person, thinking it was some loser death eater. The person chuckled and helped me up. I looked up seeing Draco of course. I smiled.

He looked me up and down and laughed. "So why are you in my house in your sleeping attire?" He asked with a smile. I flipped my arm over and tapped it with my wand, which was in my already in my right hand. "I was asleep and in burned and there's a meeting which I should really get too." I pecked him on the cheek and walked away. I finally got to the dining room and sat at the table. There wasn't anybody here even. So I played with my wand on the table for a bit until people started showing up. After a bit I heard a loud crack. He was here.

I got up and bowed instantly. "My Lord." He looked at me and nodded. "Sit." He commanded. So I sat down. His dark eyes glanced at my attire. "I'm sorry my Lord. I didn't know how much time I had to get here-" he raised his hand so I stopped. "That does not matter. I do not care for your explanation. We are here to discuss your mission for the year." I nodded. "I want you to keep an eye on Potter. If you see anything suspicious report to me, Mr.Malfoy, or your father." I nodded. "Yes, my lord." He just looked at me. "I want to know as much important stuff going on in his life as possible." He told me and got up. "Do not fail me Alice." He said and he apparated away.

I sat there for a moment. I got up and went into the halls to find my way out. I saw Narcissa walking towards me. I smiled and she smiled back. "Hello Alice dear." She said. "Hello Mrs.Malfoy." I said back. "You know you can call me Narcissa. But I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but why are you here so late?" I frowned. "The Dark Lord wanted to talk to me about something." She frowned and looked frightened. "He was in here again?" Her eyes got bigger. I nodded. She nodded.

"Well Alice dear, I must end this conversation. Lucius needed me." She smiled and continued walking and so did I. I walked into their living room to see if Draco was in there. His birthday was actually two months ago. He was sitting on the couch staring into the fire. He was in deep thought. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He smiled and grabbed my arms and flipped me over the couch. I giggled with laughter. "Draco!" He kept smiling. I smiled back. His smile was contagious. He leaned down and kissed me.

He leaned down a bit more towards my ear. "I love you." He whispered into my ear. I put my hands on his face and kissed him all the passion I had. I pressed my forehead against his. "I love you too." I said back. He leaned in and started kissing me again. He started kissing me on the cheek and slowly made his way to my neck. He pulled back and gave me one last kiss on the forehead.

After cuddling for a bit I giggled out loud. He rose an eyebrow. I smiled. "I actually came here to ask you where your Floo Powder is. I can't apparate and I need to go to sleep because it .late." I yawned while saying that. He pulled me close to him and held me tight. "Stay here for the night." He pouted. I laughed. "Fine. I need to owl my parents so they don't think I was murdered or something." I got up and he got up as well. He grabbed my hand and we walked up his stairs. Once we got to his room he got me paper and a quill. He walked out of the room for a second.

"Dear Mother & Father,

I am going to stay with the Malfoy's for the night. I wrote this so you would not worry.


I rolled up the letter. Draco brought in his Eagle Owl. I have an Eagle Owl as well, but mine was Black. His name was Spark. He opened the cage and it flew into his window. I held the letter out to the owl. It squawked. I flinched back as it grabbed the letter. "To Mrs. Cross." I squeaked. It squawked and flew away. Draco was laughing. "Oh shut up. I hate our owl. It's mean." I huffed. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waste. He picked me up and we laid down on his bed. "What's it feel like to be a death eater?" He looked up into my eyes. He was playing with my hair. I shrugged. "I don't know. You feel like if you screw up one thing you basically put your life at risk." I frowned. "Sorry." I shrugged. "I don't care." He grabbed me and pulled me closely. He kissed my forehead and we drifted into a deep sleep.

~sorry for any mistakes :p thank you if you are actually reading my stories :) ~

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