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{Ok I know there's errors in my story, but I'm going to fix them all once I'm finished with my story. I'm just trying to update as much as possible and fast as I can. And if you want you can read Scars (a Fred Weasley story) by Jazzy64 my friend. Her story is synced with mine as well with her character being Jasmine Lestrange. She's starting her story as well. Just a suggestion :) and if your still reading my story thank you for being patient with me.}

~Time skip~

Today was the last day of school. Fleur was leaving today, leaving back to France. Back to her home. I saw her kissing Ron on the cheek outside. She had told me he saved her sister. I ran up to her as she said goodbye to Ron. I jumped on her and hugged her. "I'll miss you." She hugged me back. "I'll miss you too. Write to me ok? Maybe we can meet up." I pulled back and smiled. "You have always been like a big sister to me." She smiled. "I'll write to you. I have to leave now. I'm sorry. Goodbye Alice!" She waved goodbye as she started to head off to the carriages.

I thought she was going to die in the tournament. I remember when I looked up and saw the red sparks. I may not like Potter, but I'm thankful that he stopped and took time to make sure Fleur would get help. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I started to head back in to the Slytherin common room. I still needed to get my stuff together and packed. Once I got to my dorm I say down on my bed and sighed. Then a thought clicked in my head. I never opened that letter my parents sent me from like a month ago. They rarely send letters. So I picked it up and opened it, expecting it to be something to remind me I'm in trouble or something.

Dear Alice,

We have many things to talk about when you come back to the manner. When summer arrives you will get your Dark Mark, but you should remember we already talked about that. Why we sent this letter was to inform you that the Dark Lord has risen. He's back. You will have your Dark Mark given to you by the Dark lord himself. He has his meetings at Malfoy Manner. We will see you soon.

With Love,

Your Mother.

I say there and sank it in. Was I happy? No. Was I scared? No. Being a deatheater sounded kinda fun. But when it comes down to actually realize it's happening, it's different. I've never met the Dark Lord. I shook the thought off. I needed to pack my stuff. Which probably wouldn't take long. I swished my wand and all my stuff started packing itself neatly. I walked out of room and left my luggage. Someone would get it and put it on the train. I walked into the common room. I looked around. I might actually miss this. I mean it's better than my strict unloving parents right? Now I know how Draco must feel.

Once I went down to where the train is and got on. I looked for the Slytherin compartment. I find it interesting how Slytherins get there own compartments. I smirked. Mason any perks to being a Slytherin. I like it.

I saw Blaise and he looked at me and waved me over there. I walked over there with my usual smirk on my face. And sat down across from him. I put my hands on the table to get comfortable. "Hi" he said. "Hello." I said back. "So you enjoying Hogwarts?" He asked. I shrugged. "It's..... Interesting. Defiantly different than my last school." I smiled a genuine smile. He smiled back. Just then Draco walked into the Slytherin compartments.

He looked like he was searching for me Blaise put his hand up waving Draco over. He saw and walked over. He looked down and saw me and smiled. He sat down next to me and snaked his arm around my waist and have me a peck. Just then the train started moving. "So I'm guessing you've met Blaise?" Draco asked. I nodded. "Briefly, but yes." He nodded and held me closer.

A couple minutes later a girl came up and sat down next to Blaise. "Hello Draco, Blaise." She looked over at me briefly. "You're Alice Cross, am I right?" I pursed my lips together as the three looked at me. I wasn't putting on a fake smile for her.

"Of course. I'm the only one. Who are you?" She smirked, "I'm Daphne Greengrass" she said proudly like I was suppose to be impressed. "Ok? Good for you." I told her showing that I was defiantly not impressed. She hmphed and looked at Draco. "I'm surprised you have a boyfriend. Your so rude." I smirked. "I was going for that. And surprised? What do you mean? Look at me! I'm perfect! I'm beautiful! I mean come on you can't insult someone with veela in them ugly. Good try though Greenass." She glared at me. "Greengrass." She said as she got up and walked over to another group of people.

"Whats her problem?" I asked. Blaise laughed. "Ok first that was hilarious. And second she likes Draco." I shrugged. "She can like him. I mean I'm sure a lot of girls like Draco. I mean look at him. He's hot." I smirked. Draco smirked and leaned back in his chair. "Of course I am. I'm a Malfoy. I'm as sexy as it gets." He smirked even more." I laughed. I unbuttoned my top a bit on my blouse and pulled it down a bit and leaned over onto Draco. He's eyes widened.

"Now you see, I'm a Cross. I'm about as sexy and hot as it gets." I said as my hair fell over my eyes just a bit. I couldn't hold a straight face anymore and busted out laughing. I buttoned up my top again. Blaise was laughing so much it was silent. Once he caught his breath he said, "Did you see how big Dracos eyes got? I think he thought he was gonna get some on the train."

I busted out laughing as well. Draco sat there with a red face. He pouted and crossed his arms. "No didn't. I was just surprised that's all." I smirked. He giggled a bit and put his arm around my waist again. We spent the rest of the trip discussing what we are doing over summer and making plans.

One we got to 9 3/4 I look for my house elf, Curk. I saw her cowering there in a corner. I rolled my eyes. Why do my parents send her? I walked over there to her. I waved goodbye to Blaise. Draco walked over here. "Write to me soon." I nodded. "Of course. I'm sure my parents will hold a ball or something soon anyway and your family is always invited to those. I'm sure I'll see you soon." We leaned in and I kissed him passionately as did he. We pulled back for air. We smiled.

"Goodbye Alice." He said as he started walking to his house elf. "Goodbye Draco" I yelled as I grabbed the house elfs hand and we apparated to Cross Manner. I sighed. Here goes nothing. I walked up to our gait for the first time since I was 11.

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