The Dark Lord

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As I walked up to my house I got more nervous with each step I took. Mom and Dad were sure going to punish me for going to Hogwarts. I could hear my heart thumping. I finally reached the door and stopped. Thump. Thump. Thump. I gulped as I opened the door. As I walked in my house elf Curk offered to take my bags upstairs. I nodded in reply and after that she disappeared with my bags.

I walked slowly into our huge living room. I stopped and looked around. I smiled at the memories. I noticed my my parents weren't in here. They must be in the library. I started walking towards our library. I could still hear my heart thudding loudly inside my chest. I breathed in and held my breathe as I opened up the door to the library and walked inside.

As I walked in and shut the door my mother stopped talking to my father. "Hello dear. We were just talking about. We were wandering when you would get home." My mother said. I nodded. "I'm sorry I took so long. I was having trouble finding Curk. I couldn't see through the crowd of people." She just nodded and pursed her lips.

"Have fun at Hogwarts?" My dad finally spoke up. I stayed silent. "You disobeyed us Alice. You were to stay away from England. Stay away from Hogwarts. And most importantly stay away from Potter and Dumbledore. You could've put our family at risk!" He started raising his voice at me as he stood up.

"Crucio!" I fell to my knees. I didn't scream. If I screamed that would've of showed weakness and I would not show weakness to my family or too anyone for that manner. He

Stopped finally. I looked up and saw my mother staring at me. She shook her head. I got up and bowed to my father. "I'm truly sorry father. I don't know what came over me. I will never disobey your rules again." He nodded. "You know the consequences if you do." I nodded back.

"The Malfoy's are coming over for dinner tonight. Go to your room and unpack and get ready. Your father and I have things to discuss." My mother said. I nodded and walked out of the room. I sighed once I was out. My father was just as bad as Draco's. Ever since we moved to France he got more strict. As I was walking and think I tripped. I looked at what I tripped on and it was our grand staircase. The first step.

Even though my head hurt I smiled. I smiled because I remembered the last day I was here. I thought it was the end. I thought it was the end of my friendship with Draco. I ran my hands up the rail as I walked up the stairs. It still felt the same now as it did back then.

I got to my room. I missed it. It may be boring and plain, but it's the one place I don't have to act like a dog. My parents force me to be perfect. I mean I love being perfect just not their type of perfect. I flopped onto my bed and laid on my back. I flicked my wand and my suitcases started unpacking. I looked at my wand. It looked very similar to Bellatrix's wand except my was curves slightly more and was a raven black.

After and hour I decided to get ready. I got up and walked to my huge closet. It was about the same size and my bathroom and room. I decided to wear a black dress. It was long sleeved and tight. It went down too about my fingertips. I put on some simple shiny black flats and walked into my bathroom.

I did my hair up neatly into a French twist. I put on my makeup. For my makeup I decided on a beautiful red lipstick and smokey eyeshadow. I also did my eye lashes and eyeliner. I flicked my wand and my jewelry out itself on me. I looked at my right hand. Only my fingers was my family ring. Snakes swirled around the giant "C". Small white diamonds in each of the snakes eyes.

I heard talking downstairs. It was the Malfoys. Draco Malfoy was downstairs. I smiled. Then I felt nervous. We still need to tell our parents we're dating. They shouldn't get too mad right? We would probably end up in some arranged marriage anyway. I glanced in the mirror. I put a smile on my face and headed out of my room.

I got to our stair case and I headed downstairs. When I got to the bottom I didn't see anyone. I looked to my right and left. Neither my parents nor the Malfoys were in the room. They must be in our parlor. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist from behind. "You look beautiful Alice." I blushed and smiled. I turned to see Draco.

"Our parents are in the dining room talking. They told me to tell you dinner is about to be served." He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards there. "This place is just how I remember it." I nodded. "Yeah. It is." We walked in silence. Not in a awkward way. Just peaceful silence. I stopped before we entered and Draco jerked to a stop. "Why'd you stop?" I let go of his hand. He just nodded. He walked in first and I followed behind.

"Ahh Alice and Draco. We were wandering when you'd get here." My father spoke. Me and Draco took a seat next to each other. Lucius and my father started talking about their job and my mother excused herself to go to the loo.

"You look lovely Alice." Narcissa said. I looked over and she was smiling. "Thank you." I smiled back. I really did love Narcissa. She was like a second mother to me. I looked at Draco. He was silent. I held his hand under the table and he looked over at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Soon my mother came back and we all ate dinner.

After dinner my father spoke up. "We have some things to talk about before you get up Alice and Draco." We glance at each other quickly before looking at our parents. "You are to be in an arranged marriage. When you are of age you will get married." Lucius spoke up. "We're actually already together." I told mine and his parents. Narcissa and my mother smiled. Lucius and my dad just nodded.

"We didn't want to wait this long to tell you Alice, but The Dark Lord will be here soon." My father said. My mother just looked away. I nodded. I was going to get my dark mark tonight. He's actually back.

After a bit everyone started getting in a conversation. Me and Draco stayed silent. I turned to Draco. He looked very pale. "Are you alright Draco?" He nodded. "I'm nervousness too." He turned to me. "I've never met him. But I shouldn't be nervous. Your the one thats getting his tattoo on your left forearm. " I sat there. We heard a loud crack and our heads snapped. It was the Dark Lord himself. We all stood and bowed.

"Alice Cross. A pleasure." I heard his snake-like voice say. I glance down by his feet and saw the most beautiful snake. "Hello there." I spoke to it. It started slithering towards me. Everyone just stared at me. Even the the snake did. "Alice why did you not tell you could speak Parseltongue?" My mother asked. They all had wide eyes. Draco even took a step back from me.

"You did not know that your daughter has a remarkable gift?" The Dark Lord said to my parents. They shook their heads no. "She will make the perfect follower." I smiled at that. "Come here Alice. Let me see you left arm." I rolled up my sleeve. And held it out. He grabbed it and out his wand onto my flesh and a snake and skull started to appear. "No fear? No pain?" I shook my head no. He tilted his head back a bit and looked at me. Then we heard a crack and he was gone. I looked at my forearm and then felt immense pain. I couldn't take it. Everything went black.

~sorry if there is errors. I still need to edit it a lot. Thanks if you're still reading~

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