My Parents.

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The week had got painfully slow. Draco had been busy with homework and getting new dress dress robes for the ball. My parents haven't written to me as usual. I decided I'm going to the owlery to check in telling them how great Beubaxbatons is and how I'm still getting good grades. Yes, I am lying to them but I'm not suppose to be at Hogwarts. I started heading towards the owlery.

I walked out of the doors of Hogwarts to get to the owlery. On my way there an owl dropped a letter in front of me. It was black with our family emblem on it. It was a basilisk. Our family was crazy. We are actually related to Gellert Grindelwald. He was the second most powerful dark wizard. Aside from Voldemort. You see, our family are huge followers of the dark lord. We are probably the most trusted and loyal family. That's why we are in France. He sends some families off to other areas to keep watch. He has enough in England. My parents are actually helping the dark lord rise again.

Anyway I picked of the letter from my parents.


We know you're not at Beubaxtons. We are highly disappointed. Your actions will have consequences. We are moving back to England for our job. We have sent a letter to Madam Maxine to have you removed from Beubaxtons. We have also sent your trunk to Hogwarts as well. Dumbledore will have you sorted soon. The Dark Lord will rise again Alice.... And soon. We also know that you have contacted Draco. This weekend will have dinner at their place. Draco has received a letter from Narcissa as well.

With Love,

Carla Amelia Cross

I crumpled it up and threw on the ground."Incendio" I muttered and it burst into flames. I let it sink in. "I'm going to Hogwarts." I talked to myself. I smiled. I'm going to surprise Draco when I'm sorted. I walked back to Hogwarts happily. When I got there I went to Dumbledores office. "Lemon Drops." It opend. Good he didn't change it. He was writing something at his desk. "Ahh Alice I was expecting you to come here. He didn't look up from what he was doing. "Am I getting sorted tonight sir?" He nodded. I take he was busy so I left.

I went back to my soon-to-be common room. I smiled at that. "Pureblood" I walked in and nobody was there. "Thank god." I flopped onto the dark leather couch, which was in front of our fireplace that had green flames. I pulled out my wand and did a patronus charm to watch my animal wander around the room. I was good at spell. I was a powerful witch after all. It's in our family's blood."expecto patronum" with that a silvery snake came out of my wand and slithered around the common room. I laid back onto the couch. The snake went onto the back of the couch and slithered back and forth.

"I didn't know you could do a Patronus." I lost conscious and my snake disappeared. I sat up and saw the one and only Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. "I am a powerful witch." I smirked back. And got up and walked towards him. "Oh I almost forgot." I leaned toward me still with his signature smirk etched onto his smug face. I laughed. "Your so cocky." He laughed too. "Yeah well I can do a Patronus as well." I was actually surprised. "Expecto Patronum." Out came a silver snake as well. After a bit of watching he stopped at it disappeared just like mine did earlier. I looked at him. "We have the same Patronus." He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly but with passion. After that we laid on ths couch for a bit and just talked.

Soon it was dinner. I was going to be sorted. Since I wouldn't be going to Beubaxtons anymore I changed into something else. I put on tight black skinnies that I loved so much and a white blouse. I did my hair and makeup and went out into the common room. "It's just dinner. Why'd you change out of your uniform?" I shrugged. He just looked at me skeptically and nodded. We walked hand in hand together to the great hall. Before we walked in we let go of our hands and looked at each other. People would think we just met and I was another Beubaxtons whore. We both just looked at eachother because we both understand why. We walked to the Slytherin table and they all looked at me. Some wolf whistled. I didn't blush though.

We sat down and Dumbledore started speaking. "Tonight we have a student here that will be a new addition to Hogwarts. Shes from Beubaxtons. She is to be sorted tonight." Draco didn't even seem interested. Oblivious that it's me and I smiled. "Please welcome Alice Cross." His voice boomed. Dracos head snapped up and looked at me. I smiled. I walked up to where Dumbledore was and it was silent. They knew who I was. That I was a Cross. Harry Potter looked directly at me. I saw Ron roll his eyes. Hermione glared at me. She didn't even know me. Mudbloods. I hate them.

When I got up there I saw Dumbledore holding an old brown hat. It's the famous sorting hat itself. He wasn't even close to my head and it yelled out "Slytheirn!" I smirked. Slytherin cheered. Dumbledore frowned. "I hoped." I heard him mumble. I started walking towards the Slytherin table when I heard the hat shout out, "Another dark wizard in Slytherin! Another dark wizard in Slytherin! She's related to Gellert Grindelwald himself and she's in Hogwarts!" I stopped breathing and slowly looked at my new fellow classmates. Slytherin was smirking, Gryffindor scowling, Hufflepuff looked frightened, and Ravenclaw all just stared at me. "Now now, Ms.Cross won't be any trouble. I all assure you." Dumbledore looked at me for a moment before looking into the crowd of children.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat in front of Draco. "Why didn't you tell me?" He was smiling. "I didn't find out till-" I got interrupted. "A cross? I heard your family is almost as powerful as the Dark Lord himself! Also richer than the Malfoy family as well!" I smirked. Draco blushed just a bit. I nodded and ate dinner. Dumbledore started to speak again. "The ball is tommorrow. Those 4th year and up shall go. And with that I will stop talking." I looked at Draco and nodded my head to follow me. I got up and walked to my new dorm and waited down there for Draco. A couple minutes later Draco showed up.

He walked up to the wall and said "Pureblood" we both walked in. As soon as we got in he kissed me. " I would've told you but I didn't know until today. My family is moving here again to Enfland to our old manner. " he smiled and hugged me. "I can't wait till this weekend." He said, I laughed. "Well I'm tired I'm going to bed," he nodded, "goodnight Draco" I pecked his lips. "Night Alice"

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