Joining The Team Flash

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I woke up with one question in mind,"Where am I?". Then I found everyone looking at me. I also found an extra set of eyes."Mom? What in heavens name are you doing here?", I ask looking into Barry's face. His sigh concluded the matter."You called her didn't you Barry?", I ask with curiosity and not anger. "Yeah I sort of thought it would be a good thing to call her since you have been out for close to 12 hours", Barry said. "And it was the right thing mister Allen, thank you soon much", said my mom. "And as for you young man be careful when crossing the street you know the crazy drivers in town"."Yes mom". "Okay get back home as soon as you can"."Yes mom", I said. She then left star labs. "Really Barry getting knocked out by a car that's what you came up with? Am soon disappointed", I giggled and Barry smiled. "So what name should we give you for your superhero job?",asked Cisco."I like the name Impulse sounds cool",I said. "Yes I love it", said Cisco.
Later I took my leave and went home. Mom had no idea I had super powers. It was kinda cool though.
When I got home the lights were off. "Mom! ",I shouted then I heard her scream in the back yard I went there and met face to face with Zoom the evil speedster that the Flash fought. "Let her go", I said.
"You almost killed my son and he is still in a coma, so now I wanna show you how it feels to loose someone",he said. With his hand vibrating he pierced through my mom from her back. She fell down dead. "No!! Mom please don't leave me mom please!". "Do you feel it Bart do you feel the anger! " I dashed at him screaming in anger and punched him of the floor into the air he fell down and as soon as he got up he dashed away. I carried my mom's body to Star Labs and put her on the medical bed and screamed at Caitlin,"Do something Caitlin, help me save my mom". But it was too late for that she was gone. "What happened", asked Barry. I told him everything that happened. "It was my fault I should have been there to save my mom",I said with tears. Wally said,"We will help you train and find Zoom trust me Bart we will make things right",he said with his hand on me. I thanked him. "Where will you stay dude", asked Cisco. Then I sped out of star labs with my mom and headed home. I laid her down and went to Simons house I saw his dad and told him what happened. Ben was a cop so he immediately called for an ambulance to take my mom away. Three weeks later we had a funeral for her. I was standing by my moms grave thinking of what to do when Bianca came to stand by me. I turned and saw tears in her eyes. It was expected because my mom owned her favorite salon so they were very close like a mom and her daughter. She turned to loom at me and I gave her a hug. She tightened her grip weeping on my shoulder. I gently stroke her hair saying,"It's going to be alright ". I held her hands while we walk to her house. I was going to stay there since her dad asked me to do so because of the incident. It was a huge house. Simon met the two of us in the the living area talking. It there that I realized that being popular is not cool. You get a lot of fake friends who don't care a thing about you. That's when I ended up mistakingly vomiting up a name and three words. "Bianca, I love you", I said. Then I slap my mouth for what just came out. Bianca only giggled and said,"OK cutie but it's gonna take a while before you get my answer just to know you better". Then I started blushing. Wow my saddest day became my happiest day. Colourful.

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