Love me like you do

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So after that we went back to Mt Justice to clean up. The team decided Wally and I take a bigger portion of the job since we were speedsters.  Half a minute and we were done before the others could even start work. So we went to help them that took barely 20 seconds. We ordered pizza and had a little date night with a lot of kissing. First it was Artemis and Wally then Megan and Connor. Then Robbin's girlfriend Zattana used the tubes and brought more pizza and stayed for the date night. She and Robin making out deeply leaving me and Bianca. We were busy eating the pizza that people abandoned for their partners. Then Megan talked to me in my head. She said, "You know we are supposed to be having a moment here so stop chewing and start kissing". I swallowed a chunk of pizza deeply and looked at everyone and I was shocked how I did not notice it earlier. Then I tapped Bianca and pointed to them and she said, "Wow did not see that coming". Then all of a sudden all the guys took off their shirts and it took me aback. But a few seconds later I realised why. The heat was killing us, I also took off my shirt as soon as I do everyone stares at me at me jaw dropped. "What it's not like a have a torso or something right", I say nervously to scared to look down. Then when I did I saw the most amazing body anyone wishes for. My six pack torso was wet due to the sweat caused by the heat. So to stop this awkward realization I said, "Wow supes that is one hell of a torso". They all quickly glance at Connor who was busy puckering Megan's lips. I quickly dash to the roof and the view of the sun from there was to die for. Then the whole team come the guys still bear chested. I frown. "Can't I have at least a second that you guys don't keep staring at me, why are u staring at me in the first place". Wally points at my torso and I sigh. "Right". Bianca sits on me and wraps her hand around my neck and said, "If I knew u had such a strong body I would have allowed you to accompany to bed", she says and giggles. "If that happens let me warn you it would be the first time even getting that close in that kind of stature to anyone". "Aww amateur", teased Artemis "Right Wally". "Wally did you... ". "What no no no that can happen haha belive me". Artemis and everyone laughed and Artemis said,"Aww he is shy". Bianca yawned and ask me," Can you please take me to my room". "Okay", I say and carry her in bridal style and sprinted to her room. Once I put her on the bed she was out of breath and when she finally caught her breath she asked, " How do you guys survive that". I grin and say, "A magician never reveals his secrets". "Nerd", she says. "What did you say Bianca ,you hurt my heart my poor poor heart", I say feigning to cry. "Am soo sorry", she says pleading. I laugh and say," Works every time"."She throws a pillow at me and I catch it and tackle her on the bed. I tickle her and she laughs so hard at the same time screaming," Stop". "Okay am going to bed now", I say and head to the door. "Bart, can you please cuddle me tonight", I turn slowly and say," Okay". I cuddle her to sleep and I mistakenly fall asleep in her bed.
Next day I wake up and come out of Bianca's room whiles she was still asleep. Then I met Artemis at the door hold two mugs of hot coffee. She hands me one. "Thanks", I say and take the first sip. "So did you guys.... you know......  Bang in the bed", she asked looking innocent.

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