Death of the Flash

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Five months later.
Bart's POV.
Today was the big day. I was shaking in my suit. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked classic. Cisco tapped me and gave me a  thumbs up. I gave him a nod and a smile. Just then everyone got up and I swallowed hard. I turned to look at Gabriella with her hand in her dad's. She gave me a smile and they both started to walk towards us.

Gabriella's POV.
With each step towards Bart sent chills down my spine. He looked cute in a suit. I started blushing when he looked at me. This was the time I become miss Allen. Then I wondered how Bart has the same name as Barry. But that thought dissolved when I felt Bart's soft hands hold mine. Dad had taken his seat with mom. There we stood in front of the alter.

Oliva's POV.
I looked briefly at my daughter and smiled. She was all grown up. She was leaving us. It hurt but Bart was a good man. And he loved her that was good enough.

Bart's POV.
"Do you Bart Allen take Gabriella Queen as your lawfully wedded wife". "Yes I do". "And do you Gabriella Queen take Bart Allen to be your lawfully wedded husband". She looked into my face and said, "Yes I do". "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". Before I could kiss her she beat me to it a crashed her lips on mine for about two seconds. Flowers were flying to and fro. Then it was time for the traditional throwing of flowers from the bride. I saved money for all this and even a house but Bruce Wayne bought as a lovely villa with a pool and hot tubs. After the wedding I took Gabriella in the car that Bruce said was a part of our wedding present. It was a black McLaren found in the top twenty of the world's fastest car. He bought a Porsche for Gabriella but it was in the villa. She didn't know about it so when we were approaching I gave her a blindfold and told her to cover her eyes. So she did. I stopped the car, got out and admired the structure. I ran to the passenger seat and told her to remove the blind fold. She gasped at the beauty of the villa. She looked at the Porsche and then at me. "Bruce Wayne bought it all the house the cars oh and that car is yours", I said and gave her the keys. She hugged me and whispered, "I love you Bart". "I love you too Gabby". I carried her inside and because I've been here before I know everywhere. I showed her a video of a tour in the house. We went up to the bedroom. She changed and so did I. I got a text from Bruce.
From Bruce: Congrats Bart, I left my last present in your bank account.
From Me: Thank you for all you have done.
From Bruce: Welcome. Hope to see you and your wife at the headquarters tomorrow.
With that I collapsed on the bed. It was so soft. I was about to be taken away from sleep when my phone rang again. "Hello Cisco".
"Dude Barry ha-as been stabbed by Savitar he is looking for us. The guy with the arrows is back hel....... ". "Hello Cisco hello". I sped to the bathroom Gabriella already knew she was getting ready. I got my suit on and put a breather on Gabriella and I carried her. I sped to star labs as fast as I can. I see Barry on the medical bed with everyone beside him. Iris is clutching his hand. He was still alive.
Three hours later he fully healed. But then there was a power fluctuation we all run out side to see lighting bolts of all kinds striking the floor. "I have to stop it", Barry said. "How", Iris asked. "By running into it". "No Barry you can't just die. Am pregnant Barry", Iris said with tears. "I know you are going to give birth to twins, Bart's father and auntie", Barry said and looked at me. "What. Do u mean am from an alternate time line. That can't be possible, unless, Barry please tell me you didn't do what am thinking". "Yes Bart, I went back in time and saved my mom. I created a world called Flashpoint. When I left Flashpoint to this world things changed that's how u were born before your time. That's why Iris babies will die". "What Barry they will die", Iris said weeping. "Am so sorry but now is the time to pay for what I did. This is my redemption". Cisco said, "Central City still needs the Flash". "And they will have one", he said and we did a group hug with everyone except me. I was shocked, sad, angry and confused. Barry came over to me his hands on my shoulders he said," You are the next Kid Flash Bart live up to this". I hugged my grandfather soo hard. He kissed Iris and a portal opened. His mother came out. "That's not my mom, it's the speed force". With those words he walked in and turned one last time. He walked into the portal and it closed. He was no more.

A/N: Okay guyz here is another chapter. Longer than what i normally write. Meeh gues der x a first try for everything.
Please comment if u like it.
Names still Nazir
Am awt

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