Ghostly Love-One Shot-

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"Haven't been able to come up with anything so here's a one shot! May make an actual story eventually out of this :)"

Ghostly Love

"Why won't you let me hug you or even hold youre hand?" I ask Angel as she slowly backs up, "we have been apart for 3 years since you left for Calli and now that you're back it's like we're not even dating, you don't love me do you." "No Jack it's not like that I swear, I love you with all my heart. I just, I can't tell you." She says walking away, "Angel please!" I beg as I go to grab her arm, being absolutely stunned when my hand goes right through her arm sending shivers down my hand. "w-what?" I stare at her arm as it goes from opaque to transparent, "Angel what's going on?" I ask as she looks at me before running away, I chase after her until i'm running in front. I stop and instantly she runs through my body, automatically I get a shiver going through my entire body. "Please Angel, I love you I deserve to know." I say and she stops, she walks in front of me and I put my hand to her cheek letting it stay there as if it's not almost going through her face. "I died, Jack. I died in the plane crash, I almost survived... when the plane was just about to crash I jumped out of the plane, but it didn't work out to well. I got up a few seconds after jumping hoping I could run away but it exploded and shards of the plane flew everywhere, a big piece in my heart and some cutting up my body. I was to damaged for anyone to know my identity, slowly my spirit left my body as they zipped me up in a bag. Flashbacks ran through my mind and I knew I had to somehow get back to you, I chose to stay on earth to be with you." She says smiling at me, but my smile instantly fades, tears falling down my face. "You can't spend eternity down here, i'm so happy you would do this for me but it just can't work." Angel frowns at my words and I go to lift her head but stop when I remeber it won't make a difference. "Jack, we can still be dating can't we?" I bite my lip and look down, "Angel..." "Please don't find someone else! We were together forever, soul mates..." "Angel your're dead." She looks up at me eyes wide, threatening to spill tears that will just dissapear into the ground. "No I'm sorry, it's just I can't live with dating you if I can't even touch you anymore." She nods and I press my lips to her transparent forehead and it instantly becomes opaque, my lips actually touching her bare skin. "I can sometimes materialize a little bit of myself at a time," she says and I instantly press my lips to hers as she materializes them so our lips move in sync. "I will never forget you Angel," "nor will I ever forget you Jack." She says as her hand slowly touches mine before it drifts off with the rest of her as she walks away slwoly fadding. "Angle!?" "Yes Jack?" "My heart will always belong to you, no matter who I'm with." "I love you Jack, always have always will."  Next thing I knew, she was out of my life forever...

Or so he thought...

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