Finally(harry styles fanfiction)

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Today's the day. The day I've been dreading for the past week after moving. I did not want to go to school, not at all. It was the middle of the school year so everybody already new where to go and when to go there but of course I didn't. My family moved to New York after just "needing a change". But I know what the real reason was and it wasn't just for a change.

I woke up to see that my parents weren't home but they never are so I was used to it. I went to the bathroom straitened my long dark brown hair, my hair was pretty much the only thing I liked about myself.. After that I put on my black leggings, brown combat boots and my jean sweatshirt jacket thing which feels like a sweatshirt but has a jean vest with a white shirt under. I did my makeup and walked out the door.

Since I didn't have a car I had to walk but I wasn't that far of a walk. Although it did take me a while since I had know clue where I was gong. I'd been here a week and still didn't know my way around New York. I had never actually gone to school yet. I convinced my parents to let me stay home for a week to get settled in.

Once I arrived at the school I wanted to turn around and go home. I didn't, but I wanted to. I walked into the school and walked strait to the office.

"Hello you must be Rose, our new student."

"Yep that's me." I faked a smile.

" Well here's your schedule, your locker number and locker key." The principal smiled back.

"Thanks." I said wanting to puke. Yep, I was that scared.

"If you need anything let me know."

"Will do." And with that i walked out the door.

I found my locker pretty easily and opened it, I put all my things in there even tho I didn't have much. Luckily my first call was right across the hall so I went in and took a seat in the back. The teacher walked in and of course had to announce that I was a new student and everybody looked at me.

"Class we have a new student." Said the teacher

I could already fell my face get red and she scanned the class hoping to to find me. And of course she did.

"Oh there you are! Tell us, what's your name." Oh shit.

"Uh my names Rose Green." I could tell my cheeks were pink and I was almost shaking.

"Well it's nice to meet you Rose Green I'm Ms.Burke."

I smiled politely as she went on with the class talking about some math shit that I already knew.

After class I went back to my locker to get my things for the next class. I noticed that I was the only one left in the hallway but I didn't really care. I guess I could just say that I'm new and got lost.

Just as I closed my locker I was pushed up against it by somebody. I felt a small pain from the sudden impact on my back. I sucked in a sharp breath when I finally opened my eyes to see who was pinning me against the lockers.

When I looked up I saw beautiful green eyes and dark brown curly hair pushed back. If I wasn't so afraid of him I would say he is quite attractive. I took another look at him and I recognized him for my math class.

I stood there breathing heavily for what felt like hours when really it was only about one second before he spoke.

"Well aren't you cute." He smirked look strait at me.

"Wha.. What-" was all I could say before he spoke again.

"I'm harry."

"Please let go of me." I felt the tears build up in my eyes but I wouldn't let them out.

"Are you afraid Ms.Rose Green?"

"How do you know my name?" I already knew how he did. I knew he is in my math class but I just thought I was the right thing to say, I didn't really know what else to say.

"You're in my math class sweetheart. Now answer my question. Are you afraid of me?"

"N-no" wow that wasn't at all convincing since the tears are about to fall out of my eyes any second now.

He still hadn't let go of my wrists pinning me to the wall to so there was no chance that I could run for it.

He let out a light chuckle then said:

"I'm not going to hurt you baby." He let go of one of my wrist and used him thumb to wipe the tear that fell from my eye

"I'm only going to protect you, Rose."

And with that he walked away. What did he mean he was going to protect me? Protect me from what? He almost seemed sweet the way he wiped my tears. But the tears were because of him. I was so confused but then remembered I had a class to get. Hopefully I didn't look like I was crying.

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