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Ah great.
I was having a peaceful nap before I was rudely awakened by Mitch. Yes, the Mitch Marner. My fault for giving him a key. Maybe I should give you all some background.

I'm Kristina, I live in Toronto, Ontario.  I was born here but age 13 I moved north, right before high school started. That's when I met Mitch. I was scared on my first day and didn't know anyone. I ran into mitch in the hall way, he showed me around and we had most classes together. We've been super close ever since.

Now, I moved back to Toronto for school. Currently, I'm taking a year or so off. It was getting stressful and I needed more money to keep my apartment. Plus, I get to watch as many of Mitches games as I can. He play for the maple leafs,obviously.

Mitch introduced me to his team a while back and his girlfriend. That's how I met my two best friends Steph and William and of course my worst enemy, Auston Matthews. I mean, he isn't my enemy. We just aren't the closest.

Of course, I will be civil towards Auston but only for Mitch's sake. They're roommates and good friends so I'm stuck around him a lot.

Anyways, you've probably heard enough. Let's move on.

"What do you want Mitchell?" I groaned.

"I'm bored!" he whined. I glared at him and got up throwing on a hoodie. "Why don't you hang out with Auston? Or Steph?" I asked.

"Steph is in class and Auston's in the living room." He replied and my eyes widen. "Why didn't you tell me he was here!?" I whisper shouted. Mitch knows Auston and I don't get along well.

"Well, I tried calling." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I was sleeping." I mumbled. Mitch got up from my bed and gestured for us to go out to the living room.

"Good morning sunshine, don't you look like hell." Auston laughed. Wow that was sooo funny. I rolled my eyes and got a drink from the kitchen. I looked at the clock to see it was 4 pm.

"So, what brings you guys to my apartment?" I asked.

"We were bored and figured you weren't busy." Mitch said.

"Plus, who well would we annoy?" Auston added. I put my cup in the sink and we all sat on the couch.

"What do you guys want to do then?" I asked. Honestly why come here? There's nothing to do. "I don't know, what are you doing tonight?" Mitch asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe you should invite some of the guys over, get some drinks. We could have a little party." Mitch suggested referring his team mates to the guys. That was an idea and I guess they didn't have anything for hockey tomorrow if they were planning on drinking tonight.

"I don't have alcohol and I'm not sure if Steph will want too." I answered. Mitch pulled out his phone, probably texting Steph. I looked over at Auston and he was already looking. When our eyes locked he just rolled his eye and looked away.

"I texted Steph, she's fine with it. We can go get drinks and snacks. Only if you're down for this, it's your apartment." Mitch explain. "They're your friends, why wouldn't you have it at your apartment?" I asked.

"You have a nice apartment and the guys are your friends too!" Mitch said.

"Not all of them." I mumbled to myself referring to Auston.

"Are you going to like change and actually look decent if you have people over?" Auston asked, probably just trying to get under my skin about how I look now.

"Aust, stop." Mitch said. Then he turn and looked at me. "So about that party?" He smiled. How could I say no to that face?

"Yeah let's do it. Auston, are you coming?" I smirked at him trying to be kind. He thought for a second. "Wouldn't miss it." He winked. I rolled my eyes. This is how it always is. He'll flirt then shit on me. Just how he was. Good he was coming, I'm gonna look good just to make sure it gets to him.

"I'll text the team and let them know. How about you, me, Auston and Steph have dinner together? Ya know before everyone comes over." Mitch suggest. Auston and I agreed.

Steph came home around 5 from class. I made all of us spaghetti and we sat at on the couch watching some random movie on Netflix. "So what time is everyone coming?" Steph asked.

"Probably around 7:30 or so. Auston and I will head out to get drinks and snack when we're done eating." Mitch replied.

We continued to eat while watching the movie. Once everyone was done I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. "Hey, let me do them. You made the food." Steph offered. I nodded and went back to the living room.

"Okay we'll get going now, thanks for the food Kris." Mitch stood up and Auston followed. "Yeah thanks." Auston mumbled. They left the apartment and it was quiet.

"So, you and Auston didn't kill each other today?" Steph asked.

"Nah, he wasn't very talkative. He had a few comments but that's it." I shrugged.

"Hmm, maybe he just realizes how pointless it is picking on you."She tried to lighten up the situation. "Yeah, I doubt that." I slightly chuckled.

"Maybe he's just jealous of how close you are with Mitch, or he likes you." I let out the loudest laugh. Auston? Liking me? Yeah, never. That was hilarious.

"Yeah, okay Steph. Impossible." I sighed.

Once she finished the dishes she walked over to the living room. She took a seat beside me and we finished whatever movie we were watching earlier. I didn't care for it, I was enjoying my food. Instead of watching the end on it I went on my phone and scrolled through social media. 

Steph and I turned our attention to the door when we heard it opened. Auston and Mitch walked through the door with a case of beer, bags of snacks and more alcohol.

"What are you girls doing? Go get dressed! We'll set up." Mitch said. We stood up, Steph went one way to her room and I went the other.

"Try to look good, wear something hot for once." Auston said. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

This was gonna be a long night.

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