1. Stranger

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This has to be the most excited I've ever been to board a plane, Kayla thought to herself as she handed her boarding pass to the woman at the gate. She had come prepared with a book to read, an hour long ocean sounds playlist, and snacks for this 1 hr and 20 minute flight from New York to Baltimore. The flight was open seating so she found a window seat near the front of the plane and stood on her tip toes to put her bag in the overhead bin. She sat down and looked out the window at the New York skyline, letting out a long sigh. New York would always hold a special place in her heart. But as much as she had enjoyed spending the past 4 years in New York, pursing her Biochemistry degree at Columbia, she was thrilled to be starting a new chapter.

A man's voice drew her out of her thoughts and back to reality.

"Oh man, you go to Hopkins?" he exclaimed. Kayla turned from the window to see a tall, handsome man standing in the aisle of the plane, pointing at her with a huge grin on his face. He had fair skin, a muscular build, which she could tell from the way his blue button-down shirt fit snugly around his chest and upper arms, and he looked to be in his thirties. His dark brown hair was pushed back. And it looked like it had been a few days since he'd last shaved, but the stubble suited his face, giving dimension to his chiseled jawline.

She looked down to see what he was pointing at and realized it must've been the word "Hopkins", printed in large font across the chest area of her T-shirt.

"Not yet," Kayla said. She hesitated before adding, "It's admitted student's weekend."

"Well congratulations, you must be one smart cookie," the man said. "What program?"

Kayla noticed the line of people waiting to board that was forming behind him.

"Do you want to sit?" she asked.

"If that's okay with you," he said politely, waiting for her consent.

She nodded. He put his duffel bag in the overhead bin and sat down in the aisle seat, leaving the middle seat open between them.

"So are you from New York?" he asked her, genuinely interested. His voice was deep and husky and he had beautiful blue eyes, as blue as the sea.

"Not originally. I'm in New York for college, at Columbia. I don't graduate until May." It was the last weekend of March.

"Double congrats," he grinned. His smile captivated her.

"I never got your name," she said.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me," he laughed."I'm Jack," he said, holding out his hand, "And you?"

"Kayla," she smiled, shaking his hand.

"So what brings you to Baltimore?" Kayla asked, taking a turn asking the questions.

"I live and work in Baltimore, at Hopkins actually, that's why I got so excited when I saw your shirt," he explained. "I was here in New York guest lecturing at your soon-to-be alma mater. And to see my sister - she'd throw a fit if I was in the area and didn't at least stop by to say hello."

"Wow... so what you're telling me is that you're the smart cookie," she smirked.

"Not at all," he smiled, modestly. "So Kayla, will I be seeing you doing rounds at the medical school in the fall? Because I could spend the rest of this plane ride convincing you why you should choose Hopkins but seeing as you're already wearing the shirt..."

"No need to convince me," she laughed. Then she lowered her voice a little as if letting him in on a secret, "I already paid the matriculation fee."

The next hour flew by because Jack and Kayla talked the whole way. When it was time to deplane, he got her bag down for her. Standing up next to him she realized just how tall he was. He had to be at least 6'2 to her 5'5 because he was towering over her.

The two walked through the airport together, still immersed in conversation.

"Where are you staying for the weekend," Jack asked.

"A hotel by the harbor," Kayla said looking down at her phone for the address.

"I live by the harbor," he said, "I could give you a ride - my car is parked in that lot over there," he motioned towards the parking garage.

"I don't take rides from strangers," she looked at him, eyebrow raised.

Not even extremely attractive strangers, she added in her head.

He laughed. "I'm not going to kidnap you or anything," he reached in his pocket, pulling out his wallet. He took out his Hopkins identification card and badge and handed it to her.

John Holland, M.D Pediatrics

"Consecrate my life to the service of humanity and all that," he grinned. She handed him his badge back and he could see she still wasn't fully onboard with the idea. "What kind of guy would I be if I let you pay for your ride when I could just take you?"

It was clear that she was still not convinced.

"Damn you're stubborn," he said, smile unwavering, "Alright well at least let me pay for your cab fare."

"I can't let you do that," Kayla said.

"Sure you can. Baltimoreans are very hospitable as you'll soon learn. They don't call it Charm City for nothing." He stepped out into the street and hailed a cab.

"Jack-" she tried to protest.

"I mean the city can be a little rough around the edges, but it's got character that's for sure," he said, cutting her off. "When you're finished with the activities Hopkins has planned for you tomorrow, maybe I could show you around Baltimore?" He handed her his phone.

Kayla blushed. Is this his way of asking for my number, she thought.

The cab pulled up on the side of the road as she was putting her number in his phone. Jack put her suitcase in the trunk.

"Please take her wherever she'd like to go," She heard him tell the man.

Jack turned to face Kayla and she handed back his phone.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," he said pulling her in for a hug.

"You too," she said, flustered.

"See you tomorrow, I hope. Enjoy Hopkins!" he called as he headed towards the parking garage.

She gazed after him.

"Where would you like to go, miss?" The cab driver asked. Kayla jumped, almost forgetting he was there.

"Hyatt Place Inner Harbor," she said, getting into the cab.

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