15. The Morning After

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Kayla woke up in Jack's bed, head throbbing. She looked down and saw that she was wearing his T-shirt and then face-palmed herself as she remembered the events of last night.

Fuck, she thought, internally kicking herself, did I really tell him to take advantage of me? What the hell is wrong with me?

Kayla got up, made the bed, folded the T shirt and set it on the dresser. Then she pulled on her clothes from last night.

She cracked open the bedroom door just slightly, surveying the scene. She hoped she'd be able to make a clean getaway so that she wouldn't have to face Jack after what transpired last night. To her misfortune, she saw that such a break would not be possible. Jack was sitting at the kitchen counter, wearing gray sweatpants and a white T shirt, sipping a glass of orange juice and reading the paper. She wouldn't be able to make it out of the apartment without passing him first. The door creaked as she opened it a little wider and he looked over.

"Kayla! Come eat, I got bagels," he called cheerily. "I would've made you breakfast but I'm a pretty shit cook."

Kayla reluctantly walked out of the room and over to the counter, climbing up on the stool next to him. He held the bag out to her. She reached in and grabbed a sesame seed bagel.

"You sleep okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, did you?"

"Like a baby."

"Look, I'm really sorry about last night," Kayla said, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Nothing to be sorry for."

"Well I said some things..."

"And by some things you mean that you wanted me to take advantage of you?" Jack teased. It sounded like he was smirking but she was way too embarrassed to look at his face to find out.

"Yeah that," Kayla said, mortified. "Do you think that maybe... do you think we could pretend that didn't happen?"

He chuckled, "Sure thing, Kayla."

She took a bite of the bagel, still refusing to meet his eyes.

"Don't you want butter? Cream cheese?" he asked, pushing the containers towards her. Kayla opened the bagel and smeared butter on it before taking another bite. She continued to look forward and avoid his gaze though she could feel him watching her as she chewed.

"So I think I know what I want," Jack said, grabbing either side of Kayla's stool and swiveling her so the was finally facing him.

Kayla looked up at him and then quickly averted her eyes, feeling embarrassed all over again. "What do you mean?"

"Our little bet last night?"

Kayla groaned, remembering.

"Hey, it was your idea," Jack chuckled.

"What do you want?" Kayla asked, daring to look up at him again.

"I want to you to cook for me," Jack said.

Kayla looked confused. "That's it? That's what you pick? You want me to cook for you? You could literally ask for anything and that's what you pick?"

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