8. Second Chance

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Kayla sat at last table in the cafe, furthest from the doors, eating lunch with Ryan. Nisa waved from across the room and rushed over to sit down with them. She was fussing with the turtleneck under her scrubs that she was wearing, presumably, to hide the hickeys she'd received last night.

"I'm guessing you had fun with your Italian escapades last night?" Ryan teased.

"Sexcapades more like it. I didn't hear you come home," Kayla added.

"So much fun," Nisa giggled "10/10 would ride again."

They laughed and Ryan reached across the table to high-five her.

Matt walked over with his tray and plopped down beside Kayla.

"What are you guys laughing about?"he prodded.

Nisa looked at Kayla, then at Ryan and the three burst out laughing.

"Nobody wants to tell me what's so funny?"

Nisa smirked at him and shook her head.

"And why the fuck are you wearing a turtleneck - it's 80 something outside," Matt interrogated.

"Good thing we don't have class outside," Nisa snapped back at him.

"Ok smart ass don't tell me, I don't wanna know," he glared at her.

"What class do you guys have next," Kayla asked. Matt and Kayla had class together earlier that morning, which had been slightly awkward after last night.

"Patho," Ryan said, pushing his schedule towards Kayla.

"Me too," she smiled.

"I have Clinical Foundations," Matt said.

Nisa let out a sigh and shot Matt a dirty look, "Same."


Jack nervously paced around the atrium of the Armstrong building. He wasn't very familiar with the medical education building, nor did he know Kayla's schedule due to the fact they hadn't spoken in 5 months, since he saw her last. He had no clue where to find her and he didn't have a plan on what to say to say to her even if he did. And that was if she'd even be willing to talk to him. He approached the elderly woman at the front desk, deciding to improvise.

"Do you know where I could find a student? She forgot to sign her charts when she was on my rotation this morning. Her name is Kayla.." He trailed off, realizing he didn't know her last name.

The woman at the front desk glanced at the ID that was clipped to the pocket of his white coat and then back up at his face. "Hon, usually I'd need you be a little more specific than that, but it's lunch time so usually most students eat in the cafe. I'd try your luck there."

She could tell he looked lost and she added, "Down the hall, take a left."

"Thank you," Jack flashed her a smile before starting down the hallway.

He entered the cafe and stood at the entrance for awhile scanning the sea of faces. At first he didn't see her and his mind began to race, wondering if perhaps she didn't choose to go to Hopkins after all. Finally he caught a glimpse of her curly black hair; she was sitting at the table furthest from the door, laughing with the three students who sat at the table with her. He watched from afar for a moment, in awe of how beautiful her smile was. He knew it wouldn't be there for long when he showed up.

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