Chapter 8: Betrayal

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Sam tried to slice Jack, but he dodged the attack. Jack pulled about his gun and shot Sam in the leg. "That should slow you down," said Jack. "Oh yeah," said Sam. He threw a Fear Gas grenade at Jack. Jack wanted to kick it away, but he was too late. He was engulfed by the gas. The last time he saw until he had to see his fear was Sam smiling at him.

Jack was in a dark field laying against a willow tree. He tried to get up but he couldn't. He was chained up to it. Out of nowhere, Sam came up to him with his sickle. He slashed Jack's chest. He screamed in pain which only fueled Sam. He slashed his chest again. At this point, a tear started to form and came down his cheek. Jack saw someone standing in the distance, only a few feet away. It was Seth. Sam looked back and saw Seth. That gave in an idea. Sam looked back at Jack and smirked. He wanted to see Jack cry and struggle to save his 'lover.' Sam went up to Seth and impaled him with his sickle. "NO," shouted Jack, crying. "Stop!" Sam didn't listen. He continued assaulting a helpless Seth. With one more attack, Sam shoved Seth to the ground. He walked over to Jack, showing him Seth's blood. He let the blood drip on Jack's left cheek. Out of character, Sam let Jack go. Jack ran towards Seth who laid there dead. Jack picked up Seth's head and cradled it, holding him deep into his chest, crying. "There's nothing you can do now," said Sam. Jack let go of Seth and gently laid him on the ground. He stood up and turned to face Sam. "No one kills my friends!!" said Jack. He started to glow green. "No one kills MY SETH." Jack throws a bomb at Sam, which stuns him. He summons two hyenas to bite Sam repeatedly before he whacks him with a bat. "Nobody threatens Quinn," said Jack. His fear started to fade away. Back in real life, Jack looked up and saw Sam who was about to impale him with his sickle. Jack dodged the attack and kick him in the face, knocking him back. Elsewhere, Selina dodged Raven's attack. She tried again but failed. Selina slashed Raven's stomach. "You've fallen to the dark side," said Selina. "Please, join us. We could be friends again." Raven's evil barely cleared her. "No!" said Raven, glowing purple. Raven teleports Selina to a dark dimension where she summons three demons to attack her, then summons a giant demon to attack by shooting burning rays from his eyes which take the fight back to the area the fight started. Selina laid on the ground, exhausted. Raven raised her scythe and strikes the ground because Selina dodged the attack. She kicked Raven's face, making her fall back. Elsewhere, Dinah did a barrage attack at Liza's stomach. Liza tried to slash at Dinah's legs with her trident but failed. Pissed off with this, Liza started to glow aqua blue. She runs at Dinah and stabs her in the chest with the her trident. She summons a tidal wave and brings her to the surface. Liza then summons lightning and slashes Dinah twice and a Great White Shark eats her, drags her to the bottom of the sea where Liza stabs Dinah once again. Dinah coughed up water. "No one's gonna stop us. Soon, the world will be ours," said Liza. She tried to stab her, but Dinah dodged it, grabbed the trident, and smashed the handle in Liza's face. She fell back. Elsewhere, Seth tried to attack Mateo, pretending at least. "Don't hold back, give it all you got," said Seth. "We need to be convincing." "OK," said Mateo. He started to glow red. He hits Seth with an electric burst, then jumps onto his motorcycle, repeatedly slashing him with electrified gauntlets. After six hits, Mateo skids around, heads for the Seth, and jumps off of his motorcycle to slam his electrified staff into Seth's chest. Seth laid on the ground, exhausted. He searched for Jack, and saw him about to be killed by Sam. "No. NO!" shouted Seth. He got up and ran to save Jack. When he got there, he surrounded himself around Jack. Sam slashed Seth's back. He groaned in pain. "Puddin, you sacrificed yourself for me?" asked Jack, caressing Seth's right cheek. "Y-Yeah," said Seth, shaking. He fell on his back, panting hard. Jack was starting to cry. Sam came up, but Jack kicked him back. "I-It's gonna be OK. I can help you," said Jack, sobbing. He grabbed bandages from his pocket and wrapped it around Seth. The bleeding stop. "I love you," said Seth. "I love you, too," replied Jack. Seth caressed Jack's left cheek. He slipped into unconsciousness. Jack was still crying. Sam's evil left his body. He ran to Seth and dropped his weapon in sadness. Raven was about to attack, but the evil in her left, as did the evil in Liza. Dinah and Selina were glad to have their friends back. They saw Jack and the others and they ran towards them. They were shocked to Seth laying on the ground thinking he was dead. Kal watched was the group were back together. "They changed sides," said Kal. "I didn't really need them. I was using them so I can become ruler of the world. Armageddon, get them!" With that command Armageddon jumped towards the group. They turned around and saw the creature. "Kal was gonna betray us?" said Sam. "That bastard!" shouted Liza. Armageddon was about to slam them into the ground when the group moved away. Jack had Seth in his arms just in time. "Guys, distract him so I can find a safe place to put Seth," said Jack. With that, the others ran around Armageddon, the creature followed them. Jack has a chance to keep Seth safe. He looked up and see military helicopters flying towards Armageddon. Jack had an idea where to put Seth.

Jack placed Seth on the bed. They were in the house the insurgents used for hiding. Jack looked down and saw how adorable Seth looked when he's sleeping. "I'll be right back, Puddin," whispered Jack. He kissed Seth's forehead and left.

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