HATE .06

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Matthew's p.o.v.
I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm. I fumble out of bed and shut it off.

"Matthew! The food is done; come down and eat," yelled Mom.

As I took a step towards the bathroom, my head was pounding and giving off a fuzzy feeling. "Where the hell are they," I huffed, searching though the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. "Mom! Where are the pain meds? My head is killing me!"

"I tossed them out," she yelled back. "Doc says you're not allowed to take any other meds besides the ones he prescribed. Now hurry up and get down here, the foods getting cold!"

The journey down the steps seemed like it stretched on for miles, yet it was only a few feet. Every step I took, the pain in my head built up. Down stairs Mom prepared a simple breakfast. Toast, eggs, bacon, and a small glass of orange juice. I sat down and picked up a large scoop of food. Before I could place it in my mouth Mom said, "Matthew, where are your manners?"

"Sorry Mom," I sighed, placing the food back down and bowing my head a bit. "Thank you for the meal." I picked the food back up and stuffed my face. Mom smiled at me and patted my back before placing her dish in the sink.

"I'll get going now," Mom cooed. She plucked her keys off the cool gray, marble counter top and made her way to the door. "You're father already left before me so you're going to be home alone for a bit, love you."

"Mhm" I hummed, focused on my food. I heard the soft click of the door, signaling she was gone. Sluggishly, I dumped the remainder of my food in the waste bin and cleaned my plate before placing it in the white wood cabinet above the stove. "Do not place wet dishes in the cabinets; the water will damage the wood! Place it in the metal racks on the counter to let it dry first!" My Mom's voice scolded me in my head. Dragging my feet, I took the plate back from the cabinet and placed it in the racks.

"My head is killing my right now," I slouched into the couch. My phone lit up with a notification from Isaiah.


Ignoring it, I checked the date. It was Wednesday, 11;30 AM.

If it weren't for my suspension I would have been in school. For me, I'm scheduled to attend school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with classes starting at 10'o clock because of my injury.

Oddly, I began to wonder if stutters went to school today, considering what happened to her yesterday. It was a frightening sight but Moni said she has epilepsy so it must happent often, right? I shouldn't have to worry about her, she must be used to it so it isn't a problem, right?

But why am I worrying about her in the first place?! "This isn't me," I huffed. "That bitch must have done something to me to make me think about her like this!"

C'mon! This is stutters we are talking about! The last thing I need to be worried about is that bitch! Fooling people into thinking she's cute with that annoying stutter. Everything is basically served to her on a silver platter just because she's pretty.

"Pretty?" I repeatedly face palmed myself. "That bitch is not pretty, what has gotten into you?"

Even if she is pretty I still hate her.


Word count: 589

This chapter was boring but eh

I felt it was important for me to include to give you all an idea on how Matt's life at home is. This is not what is exactly like but you'll find more out as you continue to read.

The story will get more enjoyable as it carries on so PLEASE bare with me.

Also, if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes feel free to correct me in the comments, as I could use them to help me with my english writing.

-with much love, Qī 💗

Stutter- matthew espinosa [ON PAUSE, WILL RETURN SOON]Where stories live. Discover now