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[please read a/n its important!]

" fucking nerd?!"
I stood frozen a bit, mentally cursing myself. Of all the times to express my hatred for this boy I chose now? Quickly, I broke myself out of trance and sped walked away. The pit-pat of feet and the scratching of a board followed me. Frantically trying to walk faster, my little legs were no match compared to Matthew's long and toned ones.

"Are you doing this on purpose? Its almost as if you want me to hate you," he sneered.

"E-excuse m-m-me-me?" I retorted.

"You heard what I said, stutters,"

"I ha-ha-haven't done anything t-t-t-o yo-you,"

"Come on, its almost like you purposefully cross paths with me to make me mad,"

I sped up, and so did he.

"A-ar-are you fo-fol-following m-me?"

He laughs, "No, why on Earth would I follow you? You're probably following me!"

"If y-you a-a-aren't f-following m-m-me th-then get o-on your s-sk-sk-skateb-board and g-go away,"

"You know, that would have hurt my feelings if you weren't speaking like that. Stop stuttering; you're not five,"

At this point, I could feel my anger boiling up like a pot of water with its lid ready to burst. Does this boy not have a filter? Does he enjoy pissing people off? Does he treat everyone like this?

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, I sarcastically scoffed, "Well I'm sor-sorry, I c-ca-can't he-help it now c-can I? Ho-hones-honestly, fuck off!" Something about this obnoxious boy brings out the worst in me. Matthew stoped and stood wide eyed. A small smirk crept on to his lips before chuckling a bit.

"Wow Stutters! I didn't think you had that in you! That line would have seriously hurt my pride if you didn't execute it like a toddler!" Sneered Matthew. "Now, I'll be going."

He hopped on his board and brung his large hand to my face, using it to push himself forward, before speeding off.

What a cunt.

Hello everyone!!!! I finally managed to release a chapter for you all on the promised date! (As in promised date meaning before november ends) I know this is a short chapter but I was suuuuuper busy this month! I had flown out to the Philippines to visit family, after that I took another long flight to Korea to visit my cousins! I wish I could have gave you a longer chapter but I wanted to get it out before december.

Alsoooo A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT !! If any of you like BTS I'm going to be writing a SEOKJIN STORY!!! He's one of my biases and has been since predebut so its about time I wrote about him. I think this will be my best book so far because I really thought it out and I have so many great ideas for it. I'm even considering turning it into a comic or webtoon bc I can draw and I really love my ideas for this. I would probably post it soon because I want to get it out FAST because I love Jin sm!!!! If this does well maybe I'll write a fic for the rest of the boys bc I love them all sm!

Stutter- matthew espinosa [ON PAUSE, WILL RETURN SOON]Where stories live. Discover now