Chapter 7

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Moping in wolf form as I make my way back home I couldn't help the howl that ignited from my mouth. I sang it loud and clear for my pack mates to hear. Let yet another beautiful female slip through my fingers. I wish the moon goddess didn't play such sick tricks on me. I felt another presence next to me, looking over it was my alpha. I leaned against him for support as my wolf howled the agony of being rejected once again.

My body unwontedly shifted back to human form and I couldn't help the sob that broke through my lips. I wiped at my tears but no matter how much I wiped they refused to leave. My alpha simply laid next to me in wolf form as I cried. I pulled my knees to my chest and rocked back n forth. In that moment I simply wanted my mother to wrap me up in her warm embrace. Smiling at the thought of my ma, the tears finally left me.

My wolf retreating to the back of my mind, done with for the night. I couldn't blame him, I was done also. 

Shifting back to wolf form, I walked home slowly. Dazed by the feeling of utter disappointment in myself. My demons taunting me and making fun of me. Smiling as I let them take complete control of me. Done with fighting them. Done with fighting the feeling of utter defeat. Letting the feeling of failure roll over my body.

My eyes rolling backward, losing myself to sleep once my body hit my bed. Opening them once again to yet another bright and sunny day. So tempted to yell at the world for being so happy while my world once again had fallen. Showering I stood there staring in space, not caring of the amount of time I spent in it.

Once coming back to reality, the shower how turned cold and my body had turned to a prune. Stepping out and drying myself. I threw on some shorts and a shirt before sliding some shoes on. Not even caring for breakfast I was off to train my students. Noticing that I was 5 minutes late I shrugged it off. Not really caring at the moment.

Once making it to the field I could already feel the feeling of happiness that comes from my students take over my body. Filling me up with energy and a feeling that was indescribable. Walking up with a smile to my students, they all smiled back to me. Starting the day off with some training in wolf form, and when done with that moving on to learning some history on werewolves and vampires,

Ending the day with a free hour on the choice of what type of training they wanted to do. Allowing me to get some paperwork done that I had been pushing off for the longest. Smiling when catching an eye of one of my students helping another student who was falling slightly behind. I made sure to enforce teamwork among my students, they didn't particularly care though.

Smiling at them I was happy to see that they comprehended what I was trying to teach. Turning my attention once again towards my paperwork I had it completed by the time class neared to an end. Waving goodbye to my student, I made the decision to go visit the adorable pups. I knew it was long overdue especially since they needed to get used to my scent.

Walking towards the pin that we normally kept the pups who tend to play more often than others. I smiled at them all sitting down in my human form, deciding to wait before switching over to my wolf form. I ran my fingers through some of the pup's fur. Picking some up and others who bit at my pants. I chuckled at their little teeth and the licks that I received to my face.

"Awe isn't you guys just the cutest," I said as I stood up. Having some of them yip and bark at me. I flicked their noses softly. "I'll be right back guys, I have to shift into my wolf form for you guys." My wolf was very excited to interact with the pups. Stepping from behind the tree in my wolf form I slowly walked over to the pups. They once were scared but now was more comfortable with us. 

My wolf took control for a while. Biting playfully at some of the pups and rolling around with them. Having them rub their scents on us while we did the same thing. It was a great thing to allow them to intake our scent. So they understood when they're older that we were a friend, a packmate and not someone to be attacked.

My wolf laid down allowing the pups to surround him. Noticing that some were tired and others were well on their way. Allowing them to surround us, some even sleeping on us. We didn't move as our breathing slowly calmed down. We also falling asleep surrounded by tiny pups. Once we awoke again some pups had left us going towards their ma's. This was one of the ways to cheer me up. Surrounding myself with pups that I had grown to love fiercely like they were my own.

Waking again we noticed only one was still close to us, cuddling up to our side. Our tail wrapping around him, noticing that he was shivering. Looking up I could feel a slight chill coming on and I stood up slowly. Picking the pup up by his scruff and walking towards the packhouse. Walking inside I noticed the calm atmosphere and wandered over close to the fire that was burning in the fireplace.

Placing the sleeping pup down I purred when watching as he moved closer to me. Once again I fell asleep with the adorable pup cuddling up close to me. While we stayed warm next to the fire, I wonder where his parents were. Not really caring because I already knew the trust that ran through the pack. Understanding that all the pups were safe with everyone. Losing myself to sleep once more, my mate far from my mind while the pup slept next to me.

Hi, guys here's another chapter. Comment your favorite part and please it would be awesome if you could hit that star button if this chapter was satisfying. 


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