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Fall Out Boy- Alpha Dog

830 words

Sakura POV

''hey Naruto,''

''Hey Sakura,''

''what's up?''

''Hinata and I had a fight,'' I let him in,

''about what?''

''she wants to try for a baby but I said we should wait awhile because we only got married 5 months ago and we started to argue,'' he explained.

''maybe she's pregnant and didn't know how to bring it up,'' I said as I shook my head. Naruto stood there for a second,

''I don't know but to give her space I need somewhere to crash,''

''you can crash here but you'll need to grab the lounge from Kakashi's apartment,'' I told him with a smile.

''wait how did you know I lived here?'' I asked him,

''Gai and Iruka told me and Sasuke,'' of course. Naruto seemed to look different his blue eyes were sort of paler than normal, his smile seemed fake and he just didn't seem himself. Naruto looked around and noticed I had to rooms, he opened the door and saw my study.

''I thought you had a partner,'' Naruto said,

''nope,'' I simply replied. Naruto looked mad a bit,

''you have like 5months to be married you know that? or you will be stuck marrying some random the Hokage arranges,'' he told me sounding like my mother.

''I know,'' I sighed, but I don't want to marry anyone. I grabbed mine and Kakashi's empty bowls and carried them to the sink and placed them inside, Kakashi and Naruto had left to grab the lounge. I quickly washed up the dishes and put them away, i walked in to my room and grabbed a spare blanket and pillow for Naruto. But i kept thinking about how sad Naruto actually looks, is the marriage destroying him? is he losing feelings for Hinata? does he love someone else? I heard the front door open, and Naruto's voice. I left my bedroom carrying the blanket and pillow, Naruto and Kakashi had placed the lounge against the wall, it was a grey lounge and could easily fit 4 people on it.

''thank you Kakashi,'' I thanked him, I handed Naruto the black and the pillow. It was only 7pm and it still a bit early,

''I really need a drink,'' Naruto said with a sigh.

''I'll go with him and get some alcohol,'' Kakashi said knowing, Naruto probably does need some. He's never been able to cope with stress well, I mean when in a stressful situation he will make a joke but inside, he's on the verge of having a panic attack and other than talking to people about things he'll drink. He doesn't get bad but sometimes he will drink his emotions away, I wonder how Hinata is doing. I haven't seen her since her wedding, I did hear she got a hair cut and her father seems to be liking Naruto a little more, Naruto was the first non-Hyuga to marry a Hyuga. I then heard the door open again, Kakashi and Naruto walked in carrying bottles of sake, the bottle shop must be close.

''we got some for you to Sakura,'' Naruto smiled and placed the bags on the bench. I smiled and grabbed some glasses, and handed them to Naruto and Kakashi. I grabbed the bottles of sake from the bags and opened one, I poured the bottle and the clear golden liquid filled the glass. I filled the other glasses as well, Naruto pressed the glass to his lips and allowed the liquid to enter his mouth. I did the same, the taste of sake reminded me of a very dry white wine. We all continued to drink until 4 of the bottles were gone, and only 5 were left. I sat on the floor leaning against the lounge with Naruto beside me, Kakashi laid on the floor with one of his arms behind his head.

''I do love Hinata, but sometimes she just needs to chill and not try to worry about everything,'' Naruto slurred as he tried to talk.

''she loves you, your lucky,'' I told him tryin to sound normal but it was hard,

''I know but I think I rushed in to the marriage,''

''at least your married,'' I told him, he knew what I mean he won't be forced in to marrying a random person the day of their 18th birthday.

''yeah,'' after he said that he was out, he was asleep. I smiled a bit and picked him up, I laid him down on the lounge and covered him with a blanket, I lifted his head and placed the pillow underneath. I sighed and could see Kakashi was out as well, I walked in to my room and grabbed one of my blankets and pillows. I did the same to Kakashi as I did to Naruto but it was a little bit harder to get the pillow under his head. I hand locked the front door and headed to my room, I got changed in to a baggy shirt and threw myself in to my bed. It felt weird but I'll adjust.

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