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Blackbear- IDFC

609 words

Sakura POV

''we need to move the desk and the book shelves in to the spare room,'' I told him, he instantly picked up a shelf and began to varry it to the room. I picked up my desk and followed him, in the room he placed the shelf against the wall and I placed my desk beside it, it fitted perfectly. I grabbed 3 bags that were full of books and carried them in to the room, Kakashi grabbed the other shelf.

''I never knew you had so many books,'' he commented as I opened 1 of the bags, revealing almost 30 books.

''yeah, these are my medic books,'' I said grabbing 4 out and placed them on a shelf,Kakashi started to help grabbing books and placing them on a shelf. In one of the bags I had a poster, that showed the human body and charka flow. I placed it on the wall infront of my desk, the bag was also full of my note books and my writing material. I had a little pen holder and placed the pens and high lighters in to it, and put in on my desk. The note books I just placed on a shelf, the room had brown carpet which was really soft. The curtains were a grey, they had a beauitful design on them. After a while all the books were put away and the study/libaray was done,

''you don't have to stay all day, you already helped me with this room,'' I told Kakashi.

''I know but now that Naruto is married and Sasuke is engaged, team 7 isn't the same so I don't mind helping out my only student,'' I smiled a bit, but was sadden when he mentioned Naruto and Sasuke.

''I'll go make something for dinner,'' he said and walked in to the kitchen, I looked at the window and saw the sun was setting. I walked in to the lounge room and grabbed the rest of the bags and took them in to my room, I placed them all on my bed and started to unpack them and sort them in to draws. The room also had a cloest, which would be helpful to place my training cloths, ninja tools and other things inside cause it also has a lock on it. I placed my ninja stars, kurenai, swords, smoke punches, and needles inside followed with my clothes that I hung up. I then locked the cloest.

An hour passed and I had finished unpacking my room, my bed now had sheets on it and all my clothes were away. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen were Kakashi was serving dinner, it was a beef rice ball. The smell of it made my mouth water, I then realised we had nowhere to sit. We both just decided to sit on the floor I'll go buy a loung and things tomorrow,

''have you finished unpacking?'' he asked me, I nodded.

''yep now I just have to by a loung and a coffee table,'' I smiled.

''I have a spare lounge in my aparement, if you would like it,'' he told me, I remembered he had two lounges but he never used one of them.

''yes please,'' we bpth sat on the floor and began to eat, I then remembered Kakashi had my spar key, he can keep it because he could check up on my aparement when I'm on missions and stuff. The food was delious, and the rice was cooked perfectly. Then I heard a knock on my door, I was surprised but maybe it's Gai but when I opened the door Naruto was there, I was shocked.

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