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Fall Out Boy- Young Volcanoes

612 words

Sakura POV

Today is the day, it's my 18th birthday. I'm officially an adult, but now that I'm an adult I have to marry someone. I was laying in bed relaxing when I heard someone knock on my door, I sighed and got up leaving my warm and comfy bed. I walked over to the door but when I opened it no one was there, I was about to close the door but I then noticed a box on the floor. I picked it up and closed the door, the box was wrapped in green wrapping paper and had a pink bow. It's from my dad, I didn't know how to feel he kicked me out and then sends me a birthday present. I slowly opened it, when I did a gold chain with a beautiful cherry blossom floor on it. I remember in one of the baby photos my mum was wearing this, the photo had the heads cut off cause it was focus on me.  I quickly put it on, then another knock. I walked to the door and opened it, it was a messenger.

''this is a letter from the Hokage,'' he told me as he handed me the letter and then left. I sighed as I opened it,

Dear Sakura Haruno,

Please come to my office at 6pm wearing something nice please, I have found you a husband.

Happy 18th birthday.


Something nice? he probably means like a short dress or something. I placed the letter next to the box and walked in to my room, I have a few dresses but I love one of them. The top is like my old training cloths and the bottom has a slit down the left side, it reached my ankles, it's a pale green. I brought it a year ago with my birthday money, my mum didn't like it cause it's green and in her words ''girls should not wear a revolting  colour'' yet my eyes are green. She's so hard to please no matter what I did I either wasn't doing my best or I needed to try harder. I placed my dress on my bed and walked in to the bathroom, I needed to wash my hair. It had grown quite a bit and now was reaching my legs, I probably just have to cut it a bit.

Kakashi POV

In had been woken up by a knock on my front door, I dragged myself out of my bed and walked towards my front door. I unlocked it and the door clicked, it swung opened to reveal a messenger. Who handed me a letter and left, I sighed when I remembered the date.

Dear Kakashi Hatake

Please come to my office at 5:30pm wearing something nice.


I placed the letter on my coffee table, and laid on my lounge. Today is the day I meet my wife, I really don't feel like it. I mean I'm going to be stuck with her for the rest if my life,  I could be late. I thought as before I fell back asleep on my lounge.

Sakura POV

I stood in front of my mirror cutting my wet hair, my hair that reached my legs now only reached my lower back. I've gotten so use to cutting  my own hair, I've been doing since I turned 15 because my mum would forget to take me to the hairdressers. I quickly towel dried my hair and tied it up, I walked in to my bedroom and slipped a pair of shorts and singlet on. I then sat on my lounge and laid back waiting for 6 o'clock to arrive.

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