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228 words
Sakura POV

I woke up to the sweet smell of blood, the cold floor I was laying on was filthy. The room was small and was bare, I pushed my body off the floor and sat up. My lungs killed and felt broken, I started to heal them but the pain was unbearable. Most my injures healed but I just couldn't heal a few, I have a gash on my stomach that I have to heal. Then I noticed it, I mean them. One little chakra inside me, I'm pregnant. The door opened and I straight away put up a shield around myself,

''she's awake,'' one of the men said. Then the leader walked in and looked at me, he smirked.

''my beautiful wife,'' I felt like vomiting, I'm Kakashi's I'll never be his. He pushed his finger on the shield but was pushed back by an electric shock that I had learnt to apply to the shield,

''I'll never be yours, you filthy pig,'' I spat. He knelt down in front of me,

''you won't be able to keep this shield up forever princess, soon it'll drop and you'll be mine,'' he said and left the room with his men. I wonder who's coming to get me, they all looked pretty bad when I saw them last. Kakashi please, please come soon I won't be able to keep this up for long.

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