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Fall Out Boy-Light Em  Up

1075 words
Sakura POV

It's been around 4 months since I've moved in to my apartment, I loved it here. No parents just me, but in less than a week I'll have to be married. I've already gotten a letter from the Hokage saying on the 28th March I'll need to go to his office and discuss a husband. 28th March, my 18th birthday. I wonder who it's going to be I mean everyone basically married now, maybe I'll have to marry someone older. Today was my day off so I just wore a black singlet with a pair of black shorts, I connected my phone to my TV and played my music. Song after song played and I just laid on my lounge listening to the lyrics.

Kakashi POV

I got a letter from the Hokage saying he wants to meet me in 5 days to discuss getting me a wife, I've been dodging it for a while now I mean I'm 32 in September. I have a mission today, just a track and report. A organisation has formed and has called themselves 'Akuma', we've heard that they are after someone from the leaf but we don't know who. I stood ready at the gates, waiting for the guards to check my mission. After a few minutes they let me leave, it's only half a day traveling to were there base are. The mission is saying they are after a girl, the last princess or something. But I there is no file on a princess, the Hokage doesn't even know about it, but legends say the last princess is like a key to unlock something. I began to jump from tree to tree, trying to stay as quiet as can be just in case. Maybe there is another, Uchiha or something, somewhere in the village but Uchihas have a certain look and no one other than Sasuke and I have the Sharingan.

I had finally made it to the Akuma's base, it was huge and probably 5km in length and 7km in width. It was night so it was easier for me to sneak in, when I got in I headed for the hall. I could hear people talking and hid in the shadows,

''she's almost 18 we have to get her soon,'' a man who was around mid thirties said.

''I know we will get her in exactly 6 months,'' a man I believed is the leader said,

''okay Kizume-san,'' everyone said in sink. The leader is named Kizume and they will attack in exactly 6 months, I quickly jumped their fence. I began to run away, I got enough info. I needed to get far enough away so I won't be caught so I could camp for the night and be back to report by tomorrow noon. I was quite far away now from the camp and was half way back to the leaf, on the way I collect some wood to make a fire.
I wonder who the Hokage has chooses to be my wife, there are heaps on women in the village that is not married yet.

The next morning I woke up and began to run to the leaf as soon as I could,along sure I stayed Hidan just in case. I could see the gates with 2 guards waiting there, I jumped from tree and managed to make it in front of them.

"Good morning Kakashi," one of them said,

"Morning Gigi," I remember her from the academy. Her husband is a ninja,

"The Hokage would like to sew you as soon as possible," I nodded and began to slowly walk to his office, but on the way I was stopped by Naruto.

"Hey Kakashi guess what?" He said excitedly,


"Hinata-Chan is pregnant," he cheered with a huge smile. I smiled back,


"Sakura-San was right after all," he smiled running off probably going to tell more people, he must of found out only today. Naruto as a dad, I was sort of scares for the child but remembered Hinata will be there to. I'm proud of what he has become, he's still weird but is strong and can defend himself. I dragged myself up the steps of the Hokage office building, I sighed when I made it to the top. I walked in and could see people waiting outside of his office, with requests and other problems. I waited in line not wanting to be rude and pulled out my book and began to read to pass time. I could hear yelling coming from the office, I ignored and kept reading. People getting mad at the Hokage is pretty normal, I turned the page and laid back in the chair.
Around half an hour passed and it was now finally my turn to speak to the Hokage. I knocked on the door and walked in,
"Hello Kakashi, please close the door," I did as he said as closed the door.

"Do you have any new info?" He asked me,

"Yes, they are after a princess and will be coming exactly 6 months from yesterday to get her, the guy in charge name is Kizume," I told him.

"Very good did they same the name of the princess at all?" He asked me, I shook my head in response.

"Okay very well thank you, you may go," he told me with a sigh. I nodded and left, leaving him to think about everything. I'm tired as hell but have to go shopping, my house has no food at all. The shops weren't that far they are right next to Skaura's parents home, I started to walk and could hear people cheer and laugh as I walk passed shops and stalls. But when I walked passed Skaura's old house I could hear yelling,
"Getting rid of her will spare us, people will be coming after her soon." I could hear her mum yell,

"Still she's our daughter it's our fault she's in this,"

"It's your fault she's the last princess not mine so don't blame me," my heart sank. Sakura is the last princess, does she know? Did her parents ever tell her?

"I'm not even her fucking mother, you hired me as a maid,"

"I know, it's not my fault she started calling you mum,"

That lady isn't her mum, she was hired. I began to sort of panic the Akuma is after Sakura.

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