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Kakashi POV

Should I tell her? should I tell the Hokage I mean he already knows enough to protect the village and everyone. She a princess and the last princess of her clan, does she know that her and her dad are it or believe that there is more. I just kept thinking on what I should do while I shopped, she's going to be hurt if  tell her and she's going to be hurt if I don't tell her. I'm stuck in the middle where the only choice I have is going to end up hurting her no matter what. I paid for my items and began walking home, my thoughts followed me no matter what I did or if I tried to think about something else, it was still there in the back of my mind eating at me. I quickly made it back to my home and walked in, I unpacked my bags that were full of shopping that I had just brought. I placed the bags in the bin and was about to walk in to my bathroom when I heard a scream, my heart sank once again. I bolted out of my apartment and ran to where I heard the scream, it had came from Sakura's apartment. I grabbed her key and unlocked the door, I pushed myself in, I ran to her room and could see her. She was sitting in the corner of her room, rocking back and forward. Her breaths were fast, and looked like she couldn't breath. I walked up to her and pulled her towards my chest, she was shaking.

''shhh everything's alright,'' I told her trying her help her calm down.

''M-medicat-tion,'' she tried to speak, I could see one of her meddications were on the floor. I picked them up and handed them to her, she tried to open the bottle but couldn't. I took them back and opened it, I handed them to her again. She slowly shook 2 out of the bottle and popped them in her mouth, she closed it. Her body was still shaking but her breath had gained a steady pace,

''th-thank y-you,''

I sat on the floor with her for a good hour, until she has stopped shaking. I looked at her and she smiled, she stood and up walked out of the room leaving me confused. I followed her, she had walked in to the kitchen and had grabbed a drink from her fridge.

''would you like some?'' she asked me, does she force her to forget her panic attacks and pretend it's nothing? I went along with it for her sake but I was scared.

''yes please,'' she then grabbed another cup from the cupboard and pour me a drink. She paced the drink in front of me and sat on the lounge,

''how was your mission?'' she asked me.

''it was just track and report mission so it was easy,'' I told her,


After that we just talked about random things, and acted as if nothing happen. It had gotten pretty late and we had decided to just have dinner at hers. She had put an old movie on called, 'Streets of Fire' it was okay really, I didn't mind it.

''have you seen Sweedy Todd?'' she asked me,

''nope,'' she smiled and pushed play on the DVD player.

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