It's Later

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Once the carriages arrived at the Hogsmead platform, the kids who fought in the War were still shocked by the fact that they could see the Thestrals. But when they got to Hogwarts all the shock worn off and was now replaced with awe over the new Hogwarts. Two people weren't in awe but in sorrow. Those two people were: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. Ginny had the second worse scare of life there during the War (first was in her first year) Harry Potter her true love had "died". Harry was upset because he remembered seeing all those bodies just a year ago all because he lived. As they entered the Great Hall they all looked up to see the new teachers. There was seven teachers and the Headmistress was escorting the first years (it felt odd for her not to). The teachers were:

Horace Slughorn- Potions

Arthur Weasley- Muggle Studies

Sally Jackson(HoO and PJO)- Arithmancy

Minerva McGonagall- Transfigurations

Sybil Trelawney- Divination

Denise Prewett- Astronomy

Filius Flitwick- Charms

Pomona Sprout- Herbology

The rest of the teachers were still on their break and wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning. After the first years got sorted, the Headmistress gave her message and we ate we headed back to Gryffindor Tower to sleep or sit in the common rooms. (Ginny P.O.V.) On our way I pulled Harry off to the side and said "What's wrong? You've been acting all weird since I kissed you on the train." "It's just that we've never kissed in public, and I was confused on why you didn't stop me. By the way why didn't you stop me?" Harry replied. I was surprised to know that that's why he's been acting weird replied back "It's just that I've got this feeling like something bad is gonna happen this year, and you kissing me made the feeling go away." Oh how I was surprised but what happened next, in the middle of the now crowded hall, he kissed me long and full of passion and I kissed back just the same. Everyone stopped and stared, some clapped others gaped, but none looked more thrilled than Draco?!??

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