Continuation of the date

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&&)@Ginny's POV(£&&@

Wait why are we heading back I don't want the day to end this is so awesome! Wait didn't we just miss the road to school?!?!

"Harry, didn't we just miss the road? Don't we need to turn back?"

"No we aren't going back yet."

"Okay"--really okay that's all you can say (pathetic)!

"Hey isn't this the way to the Quidditch Pitch?"

&:(Harry's POV££@:

She's getting suspicious. Dang it.

"Hey Ginny?"


"Can I put a blindfold on you?"


So I summoned a blindfold a tied it around her eyes the I led her to her next surprise. Once we got to the place, I saw that it's all complete! So I got behind Ginny to take the blindfold off. Once I did she looked out in surprise.

;£&Ginny's POV(£@;

Oh my Godric! We are playing a game of Quidditch! And everyone's here to play with us! Hermione is here, Luna is here though she's commentator, Neville is the referee even Draco is here though he isn't on any team anymore! It turns out me and Harry are the seekers so I was prepared to lose. After the game everyone was shocked! One because I caught the snitch first, secondly I caught it in my mouth the same way Harry did in his first ever Quidditch game!!

"Hey Ginny can I put the blindfold back on you?"


&:@Harry's POV(£&&

So I led her back to the school, we got quite a lot of funny looks though I'm used to people staring I'm glad Ginny is blindfolded! I led her up to the seventh floor where there was a blank wall.

I took off Ginny's blindfold before I requested the room I wanted.

•••Ginny's POV•••

He took of the blindfold and I noticed we are on the seventh floor in front of the Room of Requirements. He started walking thinking very hard so I didn't ask what he was wanting from the room.

It's not like he'd tell me, the whole way up here i kept asking where we are going and he wouldn't say he kept saying "if I tell then it won't be a surprise!". So I waited and waited then finally the wall formed into an iron gate.

"Hey Ginny come here, I want you to enter the gate first."

"Okay." I pushed open the gate and I was shell shocked.

•••Harry's POV•••

She was surely shocked so I suggest that she check out the pool, she went and did just that so I headed to the kitchen to make dinner. I was making steak with roast potatoes and treacle tart for dessert with butterbeers. I got started on the dinner and then when everything was finish I took everything except the tart to the candle-lite table. Then I called the love of my life to the table pulling her chair out for her. She was amazed.

"Harry this is amazing thank you!"

"It's wandless I wanted only the best for the person who stole my heart!"

"Awe Harry this is so wonderful!"

We spent the rest of the night talking, cuddling, and stealing kisses. We snuck back into the Gryffindor since it was past curfew as we parted ways we kissed one last time for the night. And headed to bed.

••Harry&Ginny's•• same time

"It was the best night ever!"

(AN) sorry for updating so late I typed a chapter the other day and when I went to copy it since it was on my notepad it deleted so I had to write this one it might be horrible I was writing from memory and my memory is horrible. Vote, Comment if you want you don't have to!

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