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Why does Draco look this happy that Harry and I kissed????

Draco (P.O.V.)

Yes! Mission accomplished and on the first night too!

Three weeks before school started my mother called me into the Malfoy Manor foyer. She looked beside herself. Draco was worried she's been like this for weeks. "Draco?" called Narcissa. "Yes, mother?" replied Draco. "Come here, there's a mission I need you to complete when you get to Hogwarts." Narcissa said. "Yes mother anything you need." Draco replied. "I need you to.....

"Draco why are you staring at us like that?" asked Ginny. "Huh..... Oh yeah no reason just thinking about something that happened a little while ago." I replied.

"Okay??? Anyways we are gonna hang in the Astronomy Tower tonight at mid-night, want to come?" asked Potter, um I mean Harry. "Sure, unless this is a trap" I replied just a little unsure. "No it's not a trap." said the youngest redhead child as she clutched closer to her boyfriend. "Okay I'll be there at mid-night." With that Draco hurried off to Slytherin common room to change for a cool night.

*TIME LAPSE 12:31 A.M. Astronomy Tower*

Harry (P.O.V.)

"Where is he, I swear if we get caught because of him" But I got off when Draco opened the door. Good cause he would not have liked what i would have done to him. "What took so long, Draco?" My beautiful girlfriend asked a little hostile. "Sorry, it took a long time to get past Parkinson." Draco replied, and then realized his mistake. "When did you start calling Pansy, Parkinson?" Asked the four. "Um... well you know... um I don't know actually, but anyways what are we doing tonight?" Draco said a little shocked.

Draco's (P.O.V.)
Then I realized the picnic basket and suddenly felt like a fifth wheel, with everyone being in a relationship besides him. "Oh" I said. "Oh no don't worry, that was a while ago for us we were just talking about the War" Ginny said while casting her glance over to Harry. "Oh okay then." Now he didn't feel uncomfortable. So the rest of the night, they talked laughed, and grew to become closer friends.

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