Hinny's Real Date Part Two

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""'',,..,!,,HARRY'S P.O.V,,!,,'?'""",

I pulled Hermione, Ron, and Draco away from Ginny to speak to them about the rest of the plan. "So since the first part went wrong what can I do now?". "Well you can either skip to plan B or continue with this plan but modify it..... I think you should continue this plan." Ron said pretending to think about it hard but really I knew he didn't like the plan B. And in my opinion I knew Ginny wouldn't like plan B either. "Okay I will go with this plan. Welp I'll see you back at the castle." And then I head over to where Ginny is. "So do you want to go now?" "Sure, yeah lets go." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"??",,'",'',,,"",GINNYS POV,!"',',",!',,"'!!,,"

I wonder where we are going now. "Hey Harry" "Yes?" "Where are we going?" "If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" "But you can tell me, PWEASE!!!" I used putting on my best puppy-dog face, knowing he couldn't resist it! "Ahh don't pull the puppy-dog face with me you know I can't resist you when you pull that beautiful face of yours!!!"

Oh I know that's why I did it! Duh!

"B-But I wanna know!!" "You will know soon."

,!',.".''','??",!,.!?HARRYS POV'","'????,,,'!!,'

Okay we walked back towards the school. But that's not where we are going! Nope we are going to the one place where I know she will be happy. Every time she's there her eyes light up and her smile grows wider.

Hahahaha I'm a crazy person!!!! I'm just so happy I thought this would be a horrible story. But this story has been read 1K times!!! So I decided to post a chapter, the part two will be up ASAP. Thank you to all who had read this story it means a lot that y'all have stuck through this with me!!!

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