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I was sitting against the wall by McKayshla's door with Lilly lying against my shoulder and both of us were sharing a pack of pop tarts.

Almost everything I do reminds me of McKayshla.

Including eating her favorite foods.

"Lilly, you look like a hooker," I examined her outfit.

Both of us were still in our outfits from the party considering we haven't stepped a foot out of this hospital yet.

"Stop," she shoved my arm playfully, "I look cute."

"Who do you gotta lie though?" I joked.

"It was my birthday outfit for fucks sake," she joked back, "and plus I'm an emotional wreck, so of course I'm gonna look messy."

"Still look like a slut," I cooed.

"A slut for Chaz," she smirked.

"Ugh," I scoffed, "Gross."

She laughed out loud which made me laugh then she put her head against my shoulder.

Then it got silent.

Lilli and I might argue and fight with each other, but we'll always be there for each other.

She's my little sister and I'm her big brother.

We love each other.

I kissed the top of her head, "I love you Lilly."

She wrapped her arms around me, "I love you too Justin."

It got quiet for a little, so we took in the moment.

"You know what this means right?" Lilly spoke up.

"What?" I asked.

"Knowing that McKayshla lost her memory, you know what this means?" she chewed her last piece of her pop tart.

"No, I don't, do you?" I asked.

"Yeah," she nodded and swallowed her food, "That means she's gonna be acting like a big bitch to you because she was never a fan of yours a year ago."


"Yup, she literally hated you, she would talk so much shit about you all the time when we were in lunch," Lilly put a piece of a pop tart in her mouth and chewed.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes, I would just laugh really hard because all of the shit she would say was so funny." Lilly giggled.

I gave her a death glare.

"What?" she brought her shoulders up innocently, "She's funny."

I shook my head facing forward.

"Oh and its gonna take forever to get her back since she was playing that teasing and hard to get shit when you guys first met so," she added.

"Are you kidding me bro?!" I exclaimed.

"Dead ass," Lilly said.

I groaned and brought my head back making contact with these gloomy hospital walls chewing up my last piece of my pop tart.

Her room door opened up.

Lilly and I stood up to out feet and dusted ourselves up.

"Where did your manager go?" Dr. Lopez asked.

"Well he left to go get ready for the show with the others and left me and Lilly here," I answered.

"Do you have any plans about this whole tour thing?" she asked.

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