Love for my Friends Pt. 2

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This is dedicated to The_Official_Volpina

Savannah. Gotta love this small child. I recently met her last year on Wattpad. I got to know her pretty well and here she is. One of the four people very close to me, whom I met on Wattpad. She may seem young for her age, but in reality, she's mature and super fun to talk to.

She knows how to play it cool and act older than she is. The funny stories she shares with us are all about her experiences. She's open to us and talks about how she feels. She shares drama, her problems and let us know what's bothering her.

Can I also say how adorable she is? Not only does she have a beautiful purrsonality, she has a beautiful appearance as well. Her pretty, wavy hair and enthusiastic eyes.

Sometimes she can be reserved and that's okay. I'm like that as well. There are times when she sees the need to bring herself down. She doubts herself and her confidence in who she is. She asks why we talk to her or why would anyone want to be friends with her.

Who wouldn't want to be friends with such an amazing person? Savannah. Where do I begin? She's such a talented author and I love reading her works. No matter how many times she re-writes her stories, they just keep getting better each time.

Her writing style is so unique and her skills have improved so much. I'm so proud of her and she's already pushed herself to her limit. As for me. When I was 11, I was never this intelligent. She knows variety of vocabulary that some I learned when I was in middle school.

The way she describes a scenario or the appearance of a person, she adds immense detail which makes the reader visualize the image clearly. The amount of time and effort she puts into her work is amazing and admirable.

You've earned a special place in my heart and that will never change. You don't have to keep fighting your doubt about your writing because it's perfect just the way it is. You don't have to keep fighting to please someone because you've already made me so proud.

My dear Savannah, never change. Never doubt yourself. Believe in who you are. Believe in your writing. It's okay to fall and it's okay to feel depressed. Just always remember, that Nikki, Charlotte and I will always be there to catch you when you fall.

I know there are times when you act strong and tough, but deep down, you're falling apart. Problems you're going through, I've been there, trust me. That's why we need to stick together. And I know I can count on you to help me through hardships as well.

So please.

I know you're stronger than you seem. I believe in you and your talents. You're a confident child and I wish you the best in the future.

I love you, lil sis <3

Your big sis,



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