Chapter 14:

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hey so i only have 30 min to right!!!! hope u all like!!!


Cleo POV

When Nessie sprung that question at me I couldn't help but do what I did. Which was a spit-take, and I kind of got Alice. I had apologized but she still seemed upset. Nessie tried to take the blame but I didn't allow her to.

But the real challenge was answering her. She stared up at me with her innocent eyes, I knew she wouldn't take no answer. I couldn't think of what to so. But for her, any answer was better than no answer. I racked my brain for an answer, nothing came to mind.

"Umm. Well right now we are just taking it slow." I replied slowly. She nodded and turned her head to look at the other children laughing. I felt bad. Nessie didn't really have a real child hood. She seemed real lonely. I pulled her onto my lap and sqeezed her and held her close. I liked the fact that it felt like my own child.

I sighed. I wouldn't be able to have children with Riley. I looked down at her and my eyes started to water up. What Bella did was great and I'm glad she trusted her instincts. I knew I would never be able to do something like that. I had to make a choice. What would I do if me and Riley got to the point in our relationship where he would propose or something. I wouldn't be able to answer.

Nessie scooted off my lap and over to her aunts to disagree with whatever they were talking about, I hadn't heard a word. I cocked my head to my left. I searched for Riley and the boys. I spotter Riley and Edward talking. Riley looked like he was about to cry and Edward had on his pokerface.

Oh Sh!t! Edward must've been able to hear my thoughts. "Tell him I'm sorry." I barely whispered into my head. Edward nodded towards me. I saw them talking and then Riley looked towards me. I saw the sorrow in his eyes. I knew I had probably broken his heart at this point. I swiftly got up from my chair and looked around, searching for a quick get away. I spotted a shop that I could use for an excuse.

"Hey I am gonna go check out that shop real quick. I'll be right back." I got my stuff and walked over to the shop. "Candie's Sweets" it read. I walked in knowing Alice was watching me. I looked over to her and the girls, they were standing up and walking in my direction. I raced out of the shop, out it's back entrance.

"Cleo!" I heard someone call my name faintly but the wind flying past my ears covered the noises. I ran out of the shopping district and onto a main road. I ran as fast as I could until I my legs burrned like hell. Somewhere back a while back I started to cry. I dont know why but I did. After I ran what felt like miles I stopped. I looked around me, wheezing, to see no one behind me. I looked and saw a taxi.

"TAXI!!" The cab instantly stopped and I ran over to the cab, hoping it wouldn't leave me. I hopped into the back and told the driver my dad's address.

~~~~~30 minutes~~~~~

The taxi arrived in front of my dad's house and arubtly stopped. I paid the driver and raced inside hoping Riley wasn't going to be here anytime soon. I still felt as sad as I was earlier today and I didn't want to have to deal with it.

My dad was sitting on the couch with Clementyme and their daughter. They were drink tea and laughing. I didn't care because I burst throught the door and sprinted up the stairs. I ignored their out bursts and screams and whatever else they were saying.

Once I reached my room, I reached under my bed and grabbed my bags throwing them roughly onto my bed. I grabbed all my clothes and stuffed them unneatly into my bag. I grabbed everything as quickly and as neatly as I could. My books were roughly shoved into my other bag and anything else that was mine and random just got randomly shoved wherever it could be put.

In just an hour and a half I was completely packed and ready to go. I used my laptop to go online and by myself an airplane ticket using my mom's credit card number. I had learned to memorise it after she didn't show for dinner a couple times. I printed out my things and called Maria and asked her to come pick me up when my plane landed.

She agreed and I sprang up with joy. I knew I could count on her. I grabbed all of my bags and any other carry-ons and made my way down stairs. My dad was with Brooks and I couldn't care less.

"Can you call a cab? I'm a little busy and full-handed." My dad tried to protest but I shook my head and made my way out his front door and onto the porch. I set some of my bags down and grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"Dont. I'll drive you." Mrs. Brooks came out with her keys and purse. She grabbed some of my bags and walked over to her car. The ride there was completely silent and I was thankfull. She helped me get all organized and helped me throught Security and all that. She set my bags down next to a seat and wished me luck wherever I was going.

"Thanks." She smiled and wandered off and out the doors to her car which was parked right outside. I looked around at the people around me. I thought about how I  met Riley. When I first saw him he was sitting right here. A small tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it aside.

"Hey its ok." I heard his voice say but I just ignored it. He once again repeated his "encouraging" statement. I shrugged it all off and ignored it all.

"Babe listen to me. Talk to me." I looked him straight in the eye and said, "No." in a barely audible whisper. He looked taken back. I turned to look at my knees which became very interesting. My hands were becoming sweaty.

"Alright then. You've made your choice." He said nervously but nodded once and then walked away. And I was thankful. His voice made an even bigger lump in my throat and the sight of him just made me want to go home and cry my eyes out.

My plane was soon called and I quickly grabbed my things, got onto the plane, and took up two seats with my things and me. The plane ride was smooth and easy but my phone continuously buz, rang, and everything under the sun. I soon put it on silent. Tami even called. She asked when my plane was supposed to land and why I was coming back.

"Maria is picking me up. Bye." Was all I said and I hung up with that. For the rest of the ride I wasn't interrupted and I thank God for that. And soon my plane landed and I ran off that plane like it was on fire.

As soon as I was in the airport I saw Maria and her mom. They both engulfed me in giant hugs but said nothing. I smiled weakly at them both as they grabbed my bags. I tried to protest but they continued relieving me of my bags. The ride home was silent except for my sobs. I told Maria about what happened. And I mean everything. She was surprised at first but soon she held me in her lap and let me cry and cry.

All too soon I was home. I wiped my eyes and made myself presentable. Maria helped bring my things up to my room which was as empty as our fridge. The twins were in their room painting their nails and gossiping as usual. Nothing happened while I was gone, that was relieving.

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