Chapter 7: Plan B

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  • Dedicated to My Next Door Neighbor and Best Friend, Mariah!



Cleo's POV

I couldn't believe this! Does he not get it that I want to with my friends and not go with my dad's lady friend's daughter! I don't like her mom and I won't like her. Whats up with my dad.? I think I prefer my mom's house than him already. I just met him and he already is making me mad. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! I wish he could feel my wrath. But all I could do was pull him aside and talk.

"Hey dad can you come and help me find something in the kitchen? I am not very good with memorising directions." I said excusing myself from the table. I got up and headed into my dad's small kitchen. It looked like it was from 1920's. And it probably was, this house was probably older than my grandma. Who ever she was. I wasn't connected with my family, so I only have "my parents" and "my sisters".

"Sure honey, I will be right back Clemintyme. Do you need anything?" he asked. Wow, he definately wasn't a charmer or a lover which helps with me point of my problem. He came in after me and looked at me and then asked, "Ok, so what do you need hon?" I wasn't going to be a nice kitty so brace yourself dad.


Ok so I am under 14 so I can't cuss and stuff so I will try to sound harsh but don't be mean or anything ok? And please VOTE AND COMMENT! OKKK? Oh and the chinese food and hot sauce thing, it's not true. But if you do try it tell me the outcome. KKKKKKKK??????!!!!!!!!!


"Dad I can't believe you! What the heck did you do that for? Huh? Were you trying to be nice? And if you were to who were you trying to be nice to? May I ask. Oh wait I already did!" I was so p.o.ed. I wasn't happy and nothing, not even Riley could calm me down. Grrrrrrr! Why won't he talk?

"Honey, her daughter just got here today too, so I thought you two could help eachother around. I mean whats so bad about this?" He was totally lost. Oh god! I can't wait till the time of the month comes.( I say sarcastically! :)!! I had to start from the beginning and I could tell I would have to be specific.

"Dad, I am going to the beach with friends. You don't invite other people to a social gatherings that your not even going to. And one of the friends is a boy. Actually there are lots of boys but one in particular. And if she's there, then I can't get alone time with him and stuff. He is so dang cute and I can't flirt with her there because she'll also find him attracting so then I will have competition. And even if we do become friends there will be hell between us. With two girls wanting the same boy, it's not good!" I cautioned him but all he did was laugh. "Ugh, your laughing? Fine but when she begs her mom to move, then we'll see who is laughing then."

I finished. I turned around and opened the cupboard to reveal hot sauce. I loved chinese food and hot sauce. It might sound weird but it's actually good. I grabbed the sauce and swiftly exited the kitchen leaving my dad in awe. I was surprised when he came out like 15 seconds later.

"Brrriiinnggg!" went my phone. I quickly took it out and saw the hot picture of Riley appear. It was him. "Excuse me but I have to take this phone call." I said. When Riley was in mind, I felt acting formal or like a Queen for some reason.He had changed me. I walked to my room with my phone to my ear.

"Hello, Riley. Thanks for calling I need to talk to you."

"Actually it's me Alice. I wanted to know if you could come. I didn't want to rush you but I needed to know for like chairs and things."

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