Chapter 10: Great I am the Grinch and he's Donald Duck!

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Hey guys! So I know I haven't like uploaded in like forever well I wanted more comments and votes but strange enough I got more votes than comments. Wow, I figured it would be harder to get more votes than comments. Ok so I have made recent, well a right now, decision that if you guys don't comment about your fav characters or give me constructive critism, then I will stop writing.

So please comment I really like this story and I don't know if you guys do. Thats the hard thing, I don't know if you guys like it or if you hate it so I am guessing that you all hate it. And if you hate I shouldn't upload anymore. So comment and vote!!!!!!!


 When we were all finished getting ready, we exited Alice's too clean room and went down stairs to join the guys. When I was in veiw, Edward looked at me and started laughing. Gosh wouldn't he grow up? Well you've had about a century and a decade to do it. Wouldn't he have grown up by now?

"Hey I have grown up actually." He defended himself. Riley made his way over to me. He put his arm around my waist and hugged me. I loved him hugging me. I felt so safe, even when I am not in danger. Wow, I am like pathetic.

"I doubt Riley would agree with that. Any ways why would you think that?" I didn't like it that Edward had a gift but now I didn't have to explain it out loud. "Well for one thing, I don't go lovey-dovey on boys. I just do it for the title. Ok and don't be mean, thats how it is at my school k?" I answered his question while hugging Riley.

Emmett was helping Jasper put the things in the cars and Alice and the girls were talking about possible tans. But Jacob, all of a sudden, burst their bubbles. "No offense but you guys are like ice so I doubt ice can get a tan." Now that earned him about five pairs of hands smacking him on the back of his head. I giggled but then Jacob turned in my direction and glared.

I heard a low growl and looked at Riley. He had coal-black eyes and was staring at Jacob. I took Riley's free arm and kissed his hand. He looked down at me and smiled. He took the hand that was holding his and kissed it just like I did to his. He was soo sweet.

Now Jacob was holding Renesmee in his arms as if he was claiming her as his property. I was probably right since Riley and Jacob were both kissing us as if there was no tomorrow. I bet they were like mentally fighting. You know where a boy kisses his girlfriend, showing how much he loves her and that she is his to all the boys, well thats what they were doing. Gosh, boys are so uncontrollable.

Now me and Renesmee were getting tired of their competition. We both struggled to get free from their grasp. We both got out and rushed over to Edward. He took us in a hug and held on to us, saving us from our competitive boyfriends. He steered us over to the garage door. I opened it for us and walked out last with Riley and Jacob following.

I hadn't noticed but Esme and Alice, Rosalie, and Bella were already out here. Probably waiting for us. All the girls rode in Rosalie's convertable. I squished into the back with Bella, her daughter and Alice. Since Alice was so small, she sat on the floor of the car. I sat criss-crossed apple sauce so that my legs wouldn't bump Alice.

"You Know Cleo, were thinking about moving to New Jersy. Whats the weather like there?" Esme tried to make conversation and it worked! "Oh wow! That sounds cool. Um, it's average temperatures. I think the highest it goes throughout the year his like in it's 90's." I replied in half a daze. I couldn't picture Rosalie or Emmett in High School.

"Your right, that sounds like a great place. What high school do you go to?" I snapped out of my daze actually had to think for a second. "Sarapolar Valley High School. It's a really good high school." I wasn't so sure about the good high school part but it does have great after school activities. Some people go to Drama Club and some pretend to have an after school activity and just make out with there "mate" I should say. But most of the time it's the making out.

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