Chapter Five

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My swollen feet ache as Theo walks me to class, and they all but scream in relief once I sit down in then cold, metal, albeit more comfortable than standing for another single minute, chair next to Kimi.

"Hey, are you doing anything this weekend?" She asks me the minute I'm seated.

"Not that I know of. Why?" I discretely massage my foot in the spot where my sandal felt like it was cutting into my skin.

"My sisters and I are having a bonfire on the beach at one of their houses. There will be alcohol, games, music, boys..." She trails off. "Not that you need one, it seems." She smiles seductively at me, while ticking off fingers one at a time.

"What do you mean?" My heart beats fast and it suddenly feels like it's in my stomach.

She can't know what happened back in Georgia, can she?

"Theo, duh! I've never seen him with one girl so many times in one week. And never anyone we go to school with."

I let out a breath.

"Oh, we're just friends." I can feel my cheeks getting red. "How does Theo meet so many girls that don't go to our school anyways?"

I hope I don't sound like one of those girls who freak out about their boyfriends having had relations with a fair number of girls.

He's not even my boyfriend though, so no worries.

"First off, he plays football, so that automatically makes girls want to jump his bone. Second of all, he parties. All the schools around here go to each other's parties, so there are tons of people to meet. Plus you obviously already know he's not lacking in the looks department." She laughs, nudging me with her elbow.

Her laugh is contagious, and I feel laughter bubble out of me.

"Definitely not. But I would love to go with you this weekend! That sounds like a lot of fun."

I'm happy to be making a friend that's a girl. I'm sure the time will come when I really need a good girlfriend here.

"Yay!" She smiles and claps her hands. "I'll text you the details."

She grabs my phone and adds her contact information with a heart emoji after her name, and sends herself a text so that she has my number.


"Would you want to go to a party with me and Kimi this weekend?" I ask Theo after class as we're walking back to his truck in the busy parking lot.

"I didn't take you as a partier, but that's great!" He laughs a little at his self. "But David already asked me to go, so looks like you'll have to find another date."

"I didn't know you were into boys!" I say, feigning shock.

"But I suppose I will. Does James have one yet?"

"Hey, I am one hundred and one percent straight. Straight as an arrow! But I'd rather it be me who takes you, if that's okay." He looks right into my eyes as he speaks.

My cheeks get hot.

He wants to be my date!

"Sure." My eyes stay locked on his, unwavering.

Not watching wear I'm going, I stumble, tripping over my own two feet. I gasp and reach out to grab onto Theo's strong arm before I can face plant onto the asphalt.

Way to ruin the moment, Cora.

"Ever so graceful, Matthews." He snickers as he holds onto my hand for a second longer. I immediately miss the warmth of it when he lets go.

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