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Every year right after Christmas, the boys and I always have a shift in Target. I know what you may be thinking, what kind of boss makes teenage kids work right after Christmas? But it was our choice, it's easier for us to blow of our families and finally exchange gifts.

"You didn't!" Michael gasped once he saw what Calum got him.

"Yeah I did," Calum smirked as Michael stared at the custom PS3 remote controller.

"Open mine now!" I exclaimed once Mikey finished thanking Calum.

I passed him his gift and anxiously waited for his reaction. He ripped open his gift to see a small wood guitar model with the band Queen right in the middle. It made the red hair teenage boy squeal.

"You listened!"

I just chuckled and let him have his moment while Calum sulked in the corner knowing I beat his gift.

"Calum, you're up, open mine first," Michael stopped celebrating and handed Calum his gift.

"No way..." Calum breathed out staring at Michael's gift.

It was a signed Liverpool F.C jersey (that Calum was suppose to own) by the whole team, his number was going to be number 3 to represent the three of us while he's out in the field playing against the greatest, Messi or Ranaldo in Europe.

Just a week before being shipped off the the U.K he badly injured his knee in soccer and couldn't make it to his first training session, another week later Calum was told that they replaced him with another rookie Ragnar Klavan. Calum was heartbroken, his dream was to make into the big leagues, and he had his chance, but got badly injured.

"I-I thought I threw this out," his voice was getting more breathy and softer.

"When you did, I made sure to keep and give it back to you when you'd regret throwing it out, but I sent the jersey back to Liverpool headquarters with a note cussing the team manger out for letting a soccer player like you go, then I got your superheroes to sign your jersey and give it back to you, so here ya go," Michael affectionately smiled.

Calum let one tear drop before wiping it and pulling Michael into a man hug.

"Mikey already beat my gift by a ton, but I hope this does me good," I chuckled and handed Calum my gift.

He opened and it and smiled the widest I've ever seen him smile, it was like Michael's but a bass guitar, and with Blink 182 in the middle.

"I thought I wasn't gonna get the same as Michael and I was lowkey jealous, now I'm super happy and I'll cherish both these presents dearly," he smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"Now, you Y/N," Michael smirked pulling out his gift for me.

I opened it eagerly to see what I really wanted this Christmas, "holy shit! You got it!" I cheered holding Red Dead Redemption game in my hands delicately.

"Since you're old one wasn't working and you lost all your progress, thought I'd buy you this," he smirked. In response I yelled an excited 'thank you' and pulled him into a hug.

Socially Awkward (Camila/You) AuWhere stories live. Discover now